Wednesday, July 31, 2013

0911.0255 (Mohammad R. Garousi)

T-duality of curvature terms in D-brane actions    [PDF]

Mohammad R. Garousi

1101.0540 (A. Lima-Santos)

Temperley-Lieb K-matrices    [PDF]

A. Lima-Santos

1307.7972 (Teimuraz Nadareishvili et al.)

Generalization of the hypervirial and Feynman-Hellman theorems    [PDF]

Teimuraz Nadareishvili, Anzor Khelashvili

1307.7710 (Ignacio Cortese et al.)

Consistent Non-Minimal Couplings of Massive Higher-Spin Particles    [PDF]

Ignacio Cortese, Rakibur Rahman, M. Sivakumar

1307.7717 (Jeffrey A. Harvey et al.)

Moonshine in Fivebrane Spacetimes    [PDF]

Jeffrey A. Harvey, Sameer Murthy

1307.7722 (L. A. Ferreira et al.)

The concept of quasi-integrability    [PDF]

L. A. Ferreira, G. Luchini, Wojtek J. Zakrzewski

1307.7724 (Thomas Quella et al.)

Superspace conformal field theory    [PDF]

Thomas Quella, Volker Schomerus

1307.7725 (Prabal Adhikari et al.)

Mean-field theory of baryonic matter for QCD in the large $N_{c}$ and
heavy quark mass limits

Prabal Adhikari, Thomas D. Cohen

1307.7726 (J. Dubail et al.)

Tensor network trial states for chiral topological phases in two

J. Dubail, N. Read

1307.7732 (Mohammed Mia)

Thermodynamics of large N gauge theory from top down holography    [PDF]

Mohammed Mia

1307.7738 (Anton de la Fuente et al.)

Holography of the BTZ Black Hole, Inside and Out    [PDF]

Anton de la Fuente, Raman Sundrum

1307.7748 (Denes Sexty)

Simulating full QCD at nonzero density using the complex Langevin

Denes Sexty

1307.7750 (G. Chachamis et al.)

Monte Carlo techniques in small-x physics: Formal studies and

G. Chachamis, A. Sabio Vera

1307.7773 (Adi Armoni et al.)

Correlators of Circular Wilson Loops from Holography    [PDF]

Adi Armoni, Maurizio Piai, Ali Teimouri

1307.7839 (Kenny Wong)

A non-abelian vortex lattice in strongly-coupled systems    [PDF]

Kenny Wong

1307.7864 (Kaixi Feng et al.)

Curvaton with nonminimal derivative coupling to gravity    [PDF]

Kaixi Feng, Taotao Qiu, Yun-Song Piao

1307.7899 (M. Asghari et al.)

Harmonic oscillator with minimal length, minimal momentum, and maximal
momentum uncertainties in SUSYQM framework

M. Asghari, P. Pedram, K. Nozari

1307.7909 (O. Dubinkin)

On the Virasoro constraints for torus knots    [PDF]

O. Dubinkin

1307.7924 (Zong-Gang Mou et al.)

Ensemble fermions for electroweak dynamics and the fermion preheating

Zong-Gang Mou, Paul M. Saffin, Anders Tranberg

1307.7938 (Renata Kallosh et al.)

Non-minimal Inflationary Attractors    [PDF]

Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde

1307.7954 (Lorenzo Battarra et al.)

Zoology of instanton solutions in flat potential barriers    [PDF]

Lorenzo Battarra, George Lavrelashvili, Jean-Luc Lehners

1307.7977 (Hamzeh Alavirad et al.)

Modified gravity with logarithmic curvature corrections and the
structure of relativistic stars

Hamzeh Alavirad, Joel M. Weller

1307.7988 (Giovanni Amelino-Camelia et al.)

Pathways to relativistic curved momentum spaces: de Sitter case study    [PDF]

Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Giulia Gubitosi, Giovanni Palmisano

1307.7997 (Andrea Cattaneo)

Elliptic fibrations and the singularities of their Weierstrass models    [PDF]

Andrea Cattaneo

1307.8048 (Yu Nakayama)

Consistency of local renormalization group in d=3    [PDF]

Yu Nakayama

1307.8063 (Claudio Bonati et al.)

The Magnetic Susceptibility of Strongly Interacting Matter across

Claudio Bonati, Massimo D'Elia, Marco Mariti, Francesco Negro, Francesco Sanfilippo

1307.8066 (Ruggero Bandiera)

Formality of Kapranov's brackets on pre-Lie algebras    [PDF]

Ruggero Bandiera

1307.8081 (Vishagan Sivanesan)

Proof of the most general multiple-scalar field theory in Minkowski
space-time free of Ostrogradski Ghost

Vishagan Sivanesan

1307.8089 (Anamaría Font et al.)

Up-type quark masses in SU(5) F-theory models    [PDF]

Anamaría Font, Fernando Marchesano, Diego Regalado, Gianluca Zoccarato

1307.8092 (Vasyl Alba et al.)

Constraining conformal field theories with a higher spin symmetry in d=4    [PDF]

Vasyl Alba, Kenan Diab

1307.8094 (A. V. Litvinov)

On spectrum of ILW hierarchy in conformal field theory    [PDF]

A. V. Litvinov

1307.8100 (Irene Amado et al.)

Holographic Superfluids and the Landau Criterion    [PDF]

Irene Amado, Danieal Arean, Amadeo Jimenez-Alba, Karl Landsteiner, Luis Melgar, Ignacio Salazar Landea

1307.8106 (Itzhak Bars et al.)

Cyclic Cosmology, Conformal Symmetry and the Metastability of the Higgs    [PDF]

Itzhak Bars, Paul J. Steinhardt, Neil Turok

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

1305.3044 (Shinji Tsujikawa et al.)

Planck constraints on single-field inflation    [PDF]

Shinji Tsujikawa, Junko Ohashi, Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Antonio De Felice

1307.7150 (Yi-Fu Cai et al.)

$F(R)$ nonlinear massive gravity and cosmological implications    [PDF]

Yi-Fu Cai, Francis Duplessis, Emmanuel N. Saridakis

1307.7165 (A. A. Zheltukhin)

Branes as solutions of gauge theories in gravitational field    [PDF]

A. A. Zheltukhin

1307.7169 (Claudia de Rham et al.)

Quantum Corrections in Massive Gravity    [PDF]

Claudia de Rham, Lavinia Heisenberg, Raquel H. Ribeiro

1307.7251 (Mario Kieburg et al.)

Spectral Properties of the Wilson Dirac Operator and RMT    [PDF]

Mario Kieburg, Jacobus J. M. Verbaarschot, Savvas Zafeiropoulos

1307.7260 (Dimitri Polyakov)

String Theory and Emergent AdS Geometry in Higher Spin Field Theories    [PDF]

Dimitri Polyakov

1307.7265 (K. G. Klimenko et al.)

On the magnetic catalysis effect in (2+1)-dimensional Gross--Neveu model
with Zeeman interaction

K. G. Klimenko, R. N. Zhokhov

1307.7267 (Allan Adams et al.)

Holographic turbulence    [PDF]

Allan Adams, Paul M. Chesler, Hong Liu

1307.7315 (Paolo Pani et al.)

Scalar, Electromagnetic and Gravitational Perturbations of Kerr-Newman
Black Holes in the Slow-Rotation Limit

Paolo Pani, Emanuele Berti, Leonardo Gualtieri

1307.7319 (Everton M. C. Abreu et al.)

Symmetry considerations on radiation damping    [PDF]

Everton M. C. Abreu, Albert C. R. Mendes, Wilson Oliveira

1307.7376 (Frank Wilczek)

Multiversality    [PDF]

Frank Wilczek

1307.7397 (M. Reza Mohammadi Mozaffar et al.)

Crystalline Geometries from Fermionic Vortex Lattice    [PDF]

M. Reza Mohammadi Mozaffar, Ali Mollabashi

1307.7399 (Anatoly Pavlov et al.)

Non-flat time-variable dark energy cosmology    [PDF]

Anatoly Pavlov, Shawn Westmoreland, Khaled Saaidi, Bharat Ratra

1307.7421 (A. Belhaj et al.)

On Thermodynamical Behaviors of Kerr-Newman AdS Black Holes    [PDF]

A. Belhaj, M. Chabab, H. El Moumni, L. Medari, M. B. Sedra

1307.7423 (Koji Hashimoto et al.)

Vacuum Instability in Electric Fields via AdS/CFT: Euler-Heisenberg
Lagrangian and Planckian Thermalization

Koji Hashimoto, Takashi Oka

1307.7459 (Songbai Chen et al.)

Dynamical evolution of the electromagnetic perturbation with Weyl

Songbai Chen, Jiliang Jing

1307.7480 (Juven Wang et al.)

A Lattice Non-Perturbative Definition of 1+1D Anomaly-Free Chiral
Fermions and Bosons

Juven Wang, Xiao-Gang Wen

1307.7523 (E. Megias et al.)

Constituent Quarks and Gluons, Polyakov loop and the Hadron Resonance
Gas Model

E. Megias, E. Ruiz Arriola, L. L. Salcedo

1307.7538 (Xiaowen Hu)

A Conjectural Formula for Genus One Gromov-Witten Invariants of a Class
of Local Calabi-Yau n-folds

Xiaowen Hu

1307.7565 (Katsushi Ito et al.)

Twisted N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory in Omega-background    [PDF]

Katsushi Ito, Hiroaki Nakajima, Shin Sasaki

1307.7571 (James B. Dent et al.)

Damping of Primordial Gravitational Waves from Generalized Sources    [PDF]

James B. Dent, Lawrence M. Krauss, Subir Sabharwal, Tanmay Vachaspati

1307.7579 (R. Casana et al.)

Trapping Dirac fermions in tubes generated by two scalar fields    [PDF]

R. Casana, A. R. Gomes, G. V. Martins, F. C. Simas

1307.7586 (Sergei M. Kuzenko)

Super-Weyl anomalies in N=2 supergravity and (non)local effective

Sergei M. Kuzenko

1307.7587 (Andrea Cavaglia' et al.)

Discontinuity relations for the AdS(4)/CFT(3) correspondence    [PDF]

Andrea Cavaglia', Davide Fioravanti, Roberto Tateo

1307.7592 (Eugenio Megias et al.)

Fluid/Gravity Correspondence, Second Order Transport and Gravitational

Eugenio Megias, Francisco Pena-Benitez

1307.7608 (J. Avan et al.)

Reflection matrices from Hadamard-type Temperley-Lieb R-matrices    [PDF]

J. Avan, P. P. Kulish, G. Rollet

1307.7610 (D. Capasso et al.)

The Isospin Asymmetry in Anomalous Fluid Dynamics    [PDF]

D. Capasso, V. P. Nair, J. Tekel

1307.7613 (Jean Alexandre et al.)

Fermion effective dispersion relation for z=2 Lifshitz QED    [PDF]

Jean Alexandre, James Brister

1307.7614 (V. P. Nair)

On the Gauge-invariant Functional Measure for Gauge Fields on CP^2    [PDF]

V. P. Nair

1307.7630 (Gia Dvali et al.)

Black Hole's Information Group    [PDF]

Gia Dvali, Cesar Gomez

1307.7639 (Baocheng Zhang)

Statistical entropy of BTZ black hole in topologically massive gravity    [PDF]

Baocheng Zhang

1307.7660 (Hee-Cheol Kim et al.)

The general M5-brane superconformal index    [PDF]

Hee-Cheol Kim, Seok Kim, Sung-Soo Kim, Kimyeong Lee

1307.7690 (E. Ivanov et al.)

Deformed Supersymmetric Mechanics    [PDF]

E. Ivanov, S. Sidorov

1307.7696 (Sergio Ferrara et al.)

Minimal Supergravity Models of Inflation    [PDF]

Sergio Ferrara, Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde, Massimo Porrati

1307.7703 (Giulio Bonelli et al.)

N=1 Geometries via M-theory    [PDF]

Giulio Bonelli, Simone Giacomelli, Kazunobu Maruyoshi, Alessandro Tanzini

Monday, July 29, 2013

1109.5109 (Mario Kieburg)

Surprising Pfaffian factorizations in Random Matrix Theory with Dyson
index $β=2$

Mario Kieburg

1110.1239 (Samuel L. Braunstein et al.)

Entanglement entropy in all dimensions    [PDF]

Samuel L. Braunstein, Saurya Das, S. Shankaranarayanan

1207.5005 (Pierre-Philippe Dechant)

A Clifford algebraic framework for Coxeter group theoretic computations    [PDF]

Pierre-Philippe Dechant

1305.2614 (V. A. Rubakov)

Consistent NEC-violation: towards creating a universe in the laboratory    [PDF]

V. A. Rubakov

1307.6768 (Pierre-Philippe Dechant)

Platonic solids generate their four-dimensional analogues    [PDF]

Pierre-Philippe Dechant

1307.6856 (Filip Kos et al.)

Bootstrapping the O(N) Vector Models    [PDF]

Filip Kos, David Poland, David Simmons-Duffin

1307.6860 (Yejin Huh et al.)

Vector boson excitations near deconfined quantum critical points    [PDF]

Yejin Huh, Philipp Strack, Subir Sachdev

1307.6863 (Yejin Huh et al.)

Conserved current correlators of conformal field theories in 2+1

Yejin Huh, Philipp Strack, Subir Sachdev

1307.6866 (Michal Pawelkiewicz et al.)

The universal Racah-Wigner symbol for Uq(osp(1|2))    [PDF]

Michal Pawelkiewicz, Volker Schomerus, Paulina Suchanek

1307.6875 (Makoto Natsuume et al.)

The enhanced holographic superconductor: is it possible?    [PDF]

Makoto Natsuume, Takashi Okamura

1307.6913 (Eduardo Guendelman)

Coupling Electromagnetism to Global Charge    [PDF]

Eduardo Guendelman

1307.6932 (Yong-Wan Kim et al.)

Quantization of n coupled scalar field theory    [PDF]

Yong-Wan Kim, Yun Soo Myung, Young-Jai Park

1307.6936 (S. S. Afonin et al.)

Lagrangian alternative to QCD string    [PDF]

S. S. Afonin, A. D. Katanaeva

1307.6968 (Leonardo Modesto et al.)

Non-local massive gravity    [PDF]

Leonardo Modesto, Shinji Tsujikawa

1307.7045 (Sunandan Gangopadhyay et al.)

Generalized uncertainty principle and black hole thermodynamics    [PDF]

Sunandan Gangopadhyay, Abhijit Dutta, Anirban Saha

1307.7063 (Marco Bertolini et al.)

Hybrid conformal field theories    [PDF]

Marco Bertolini, Ilarion V. Melnikov, M. Ronen Plesser

1307.7064 (Ernest Ma)

Unified Framework for Matter and Dark Matter    [PDF]

Ernest Ma

1307.7076 (B. Ivetic et al.)

Classical dynamics on curved Snyder space    [PDF]

B. Ivetic, S. Meljanac, S. Mignemi

1307.7080 (Laurent Freidel et al.)

Born Reciprocity in String Theory and the Nature of Spacetime    [PDF]

Laurent Freidel, Robert G. Leigh, Djordje Minic

1307.7086 (V. Balasubramanian et al.)

Inhomogeneous holographic thermalization    [PDF]

V. Balasubramanian, A. Bernamonti, J. de Boer, B. Craps, L. Franti, F. Galli, E. Keski-Vakkuri, B. Müller, A. Schäfer

1307.7095 (Joseph Elliston et al.)

What Planck does not tell us about inflation    [PDF]

Joseph Elliston, David J. Mulryne, Reza Tavakol

1307.7104 (Ibrahima Bah et al.)

Linear Quivers and N=1 SCFTs from M5-branes    [PDF]

Ibrahima Bah, Nikolay Bobev

1307.7110 (Toshifumi Noumi et al.)

Primordial spectra from sudden turning trajectory    [PDF]

Toshifumi Noumi, Masahide Yamaguchi

1307.7125 (Bradly K. Button et al.)

Near-Extremal Black Hole Thermodynamics from AdS2/CFT1 Correspondence in
The Low Energy Limit of 4D Heterotic String Theory

Bradly K. Button, Leo Rodriguez

1307.7134 (Michele Cirafici)

Line defects and (framed) BPS quivers    [PDF]

Michele Cirafici

Friday, July 26, 2013

1305.1944 (Nikolay Gromov et al.)

Analytic Solution of Bremsstrahlung TBA II: Turning on the Sphere Angle    [PDF]

Nikolay Gromov, Fedor Levkovich-Maslyuk, Grigory Sizov

1307.3469 (Bert Schroer)

Interactions with quadratic dependence on string-localized massive
vectormesons: massive scalar quantum electrodynamics

Bert Schroer

1307.6562 (Daniel Friedan et al.)

Constraints on 2d CFT partition functions    [PDF]

Daniel Friedan, Christoph A. Keller

1307.6567 (Davide Cassani et al.)

Supersymmetry on curved spaces and superconformal anomalies    [PDF]

Davide Cassani, Dario Martelli

1307.6607 (Arnab Kundu et al.)

Steady-state Physics, Effective Temperature Dynamics in Holography    [PDF]

Arnab Kundu, Sandipan Kundu

1307.6612 (Francesco Fucito et al.)

Exact results in N=2 gauge theories    [PDF]

Francesco Fucito, Jose Francisco Morales, Rubik Poghossian, Daniel Ricci Pacifici

1307.6632 (Michikazu Kobayashi et al.)

Kelvin modes as Nambu-Goldstone modes along superfluid vortices and
relativistic strings: finite volume size effects

Michikazu Kobayashi, Muneto Nitta

1307.6636 (Hiroyuki Hata et al.)

Inversion Symmetry of Gravitational Coupling in Cubic String Field

Hiroyuki Hata, Toshiko Kojita

1307.6641 (Parinya Karndumri)

1/4-BPS Domain wall from N=10 three dimensional gauged supergravity    [PDF]

Parinya Karndumri

1307.6645 (Etsuko Itou)

A novel scheme for the wave function renormalization of the composite

Etsuko Itou

1307.6648 (M. Billó et al.)

Modular anomaly equation, heat kernel and S-duality in N=2 theories    [PDF]

M. Billó, M. Frau, L. Gallot, A. Lerda, I. Pesando

1307.6694 (Michael Tsamparlis et al.)

Conformally related metrics and Lagrangians and their physical
interpretation in cosmology

Michael Tsamparlis, Andronikos Paliathanasis, Spyros Basilakos, Salvatore Capozziello

1307.6725 (Thiago Prudêncio et al.)

Confinement and quantum anomaly in quasi-1D spinless fermion chains    [PDF]

Thiago Prudêncio, Álvaro Ferraz

1307.6800 (Keiju Murata et al.)

What happens at the horizon(s) of an extreme black hole?    [PDF]

Keiju Murata, Harvey S. Reall, Norihiro Tanahashi

1307.6816 (John D. Barrow et al.)

The General Dynamics of Varying-Alpha Universes    [PDF]

John D. Barrow, Alexander A. H. Graham

1307.6848 (Luis F. Alday et al.)

Localization on Three-Manifolds    [PDF]

Luis F. Alday, Dario Martelli, Paul Richmond, James Sparks

1307.6850 (Julian Sonner)

The ER = EPR conjecture and the Schwinger Effect    [PDF]

Julian Sonner

1307.6854 (Nikolay M. Nikolov et al.)

Renormalization of Massless Feynman Amplitudes in Configuration Space    [PDF]

Nikolay M. Nikolov, Raymond Stora, Ivan Todorov

Thursday, July 25, 2013

1110.1172 (Richard Lieu et al.)

Large pre-inflationary thermal density perturbations    [PDF]

Richard Lieu, T. W. B. Kibble

1307.0005 (Emilian Dudas et al.)

Extra U(1), effective operators, anomalies and dark matter    [PDF]

Emilian Dudas, Lucien Heurtier, Yann Mambrini, Bryan Zaldivar

1307.5618 (Dawood Kothawala)

Minimal Length and Small Scale Structure of Spacetime    [PDF]

Dawood Kothawala

1307.5850 (Marco Panero et al.)

A lattice study of the jet quenching parameter    [PDF]

Marco Panero, Kari Rummukainen, Andreas Schäfer

1307.6219 (Kent Yagi et al.)

Strong Binary Pulsar Constraints on Lorentz Violation in Gravity    [PDF]

Kent Yagi, Diego Blas, Nicolas Yunes, Enrico Barausse

1307.6230 (E. V. Gorbar et al.)

Engineering Weyl nodes in Dirac semimetals by a magnetic field    [PDF]

E. V. Gorbar, V. A. Miransky, I. A. Shovkovy

1307.6238 (Cristiano Germani)

On the many saddle points description of quantum black holes    [PDF]

Cristiano Germani

1307.6241 (Yves Brihaye et al.)

AdS solitons with conformal scalar hair    [PDF]

Yves Brihaye, Betti Hartmann, Sardor Tojiev

1307.6243 (H. Lu et al.)

AdS Dyonic Black Hole and its Thermodynamics    [PDF]

H. Lu, Y. Pang, C. N. Pope

1307.6251 (S. Basilakos et al.)

From inflation to dark energy through a dynamical Lambda: an attempt at
alleviating fundamental cosmic puzzles

S. Basilakos, J. A. S. Lima, J. Solà

1307.6263 (Xavier Bekaert et al.)

Embedding non-relativistic physics inside a gravitational wave    [PDF]

Xavier Bekaert, Kevin Morand

1307.6300 (I. L. Buchbinder et al.)

Towards harmonic superfield formulation of $\cN=4$ SYM theory with
gauged central charge

I. L. Buchbinder, N. G. Pletnev

1307.6336 (Niko Jokela et al.)

Holographic anyonic superfluidity    [PDF]

Niko Jokela, Gilad Lifschytz, Matthew Lippert

1307.6341 (Harald Dorn)

Exceptional conformal anomaly of null polygonal Wilson loops    [PDF]

Harald Dorn

1307.6382 (Gianluca Calcagni)

Multi-scale gravity and cosmology    [PDF]

Gianluca Calcagni

1307.6425 (Mirjam Cvetic et al.)

F-Theory Compactifications with Multiple U(1)-Factors: Addendum    [PDF]

Mirjam Cvetic, Denis Klevers, Hernan Piragua

1307.6448 (S. Karasawa et al.)

Variational approach to the inhomogeneous chiral phase in quark matter    [PDF]

S. Karasawa, T. Tatsumi

1307.6485 (Prince K Osei et al.)

Classical r-matrices via semidualisation    [PDF]

Prince K Osei, Bernd J Schroers

1307.6490 (Joseph Ben Geloun et al.)

Counting Tensor Model Observables and Branched Covers of the 2-Sphere    [PDF]

Joseph Ben Geloun, Sanjaye Ramgoolam

1307.6498 (Alfonso Ballon-Bayona)

Holographic deconfinement transition in the presence of a magnetic field    [PDF]

Alfonso Ballon-Bayona

1307.6529 (Jun Zhang et al.)

Preheating in a DBI Inflation Model    [PDF]

Jun Zhang, Yifu Cai, Yun-Song Piao

1307.6543 (Yuzhi Liu et al.)

Exact blocking formulas for spin and gauge models    [PDF]

Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, M. P. Qin, J. Unmuth-Yockey, T. Xiang, Z. Y. Xie, J. F. Yu, Haiyuan Zou

1307.6546 (Daniel Butter et al.)

New higher-derivative invariants in N=2 supergravity and the
Gauss-Bonnet term

Daniel Butter, Bernard de Wit, Sergei M. Kuzenko, Ivano Lodato

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

1304.5462 (B. C. Allanach et al.)

The dark side of the $μ$: on multiple solutions to renormalisation
group equations, and why the CMSSM is not necessarily being ruled out

B. C. Allanach, Damien P. George, Ben Gripaios

1306.4346 (Kambis Veschgini et al.)

Schwinger-Dyson Renormalization Group    [PDF]

Kambis Veschgini, Manfred Salmhofer

1307.6166 (Naresh Dadhich et al.)

Kerr-Like rotating black hole in pure Lovelock gravity    [PDF]

Naresh Dadhich, Sushant G. Ghosh

1307.5844 (Michael Flohr et al.)

What the characters of irreducible subrepresentations of Jordan cells
can tell us about LCFT

Michael Flohr, Michael Koehn

1307.5846 (Borun D. Chowdhury et al.)

Phases of non-extremal multi-centered bound states    [PDF]

Borun D. Chowdhury, Daniel R. Mayerson, Bert Vercnocke

1307.5856 (L. A. Ferreira et al.)

A Skyrme-like model with an exact BPS bound    [PDF]

L. A. Ferreira, Wojtek J. Zakrzewski

1307.5858 (Federico Bonetti et al.)

Non-Supersymmetric F-Theory Compactifications on Spin(7) Manifolds    [PDF]

Federico Bonetti, Thomas W. Grimm, Tom G. Pugh

1307.5861 (John Hutchinson et al.)

Icezones instead of firewalls: extended entanglement beyond the event

John Hutchinson, Dejan Stojkovic

1307.5873 (Elias Kiritsis)

Asymptotic freedom, asymptotic flatness and cosmology    [PDF]

Elias Kiritsis

1307.5877 (Dan Xie)

M5 brane and four dimensional N=1 theories I    [PDF]

Dan Xie

1307.5902 (Charles F. Doran et al.)

Algebraic cycles and local quantum cohomology    [PDF]

Charles F. Doran, Matt Kerr

1307.5907 (Francesco D'Andrea et al.)

Matrix Geometries Emergent from a Point    [PDF]

Francesco D'Andrea, Fedele Lizzi, Pierre Martinetti

1307.5915 (Borun D. Chowdhury)

Cool horizons lead to information loss    [PDF]

Borun D. Chowdhury

1307.5932 (Xiao-Mei Kuang et al.)

Observing the inhomogeneity in the holographic models of superconductors    [PDF]

Xiao-Mei Kuang, Bin Wang, Xian-Hui Ge

1307.5933 (Norihiro Iizuka et al.)

Brick Walls for Black Holes in AdS/CFT    [PDF]

Norihiro Iizuka, Seiji Terashima

1307.5948 (Misao Sasaki et al.)

The Hartle-Hawking no-boundary proposal in dRGT massive gravity    [PDF]

Misao Sasaki, Dong-han Yeom, Ying-li Zhang

1307.5949 (Nobuyoshi Komatsu et al.)

Entropic cosmology for a generalized black-hole entropy    [PDF]

Nobuyoshi Komatsu, Shigeo Kimura

1307.5956 (Alexei Davydov et al.)

Functoriality of the center of an algebra    [PDF]

Alexei Davydov, Liang Kong, Ingo Runkel

1307.5979 (John Schliemann)

The Large-Volume Limit of a Quantum Tetrahedron is a Quantum Harmonic

John Schliemann

1307.5984 (Nicola Tamanini et al.)

The Cosmology of Interacting Spin-2 Fields    [PDF]

Nicola Tamanini, Emmanuel N. Saridakis, Tomi S. Koivisto

1307.5997 (Giulio Bonelli et al.)

Vortex partition functions, wall crossing and equivariant Gromov-Witten

Giulio Bonelli, Antonio Sciarappa, Alessandro Tanzini, Petr Vasko

1307.6001 (Nobuyuki Ishibashi et al.)

Multiloop Amplitudes of Light-cone Gauge Bosonic String Field Theory in
Noncritical Dimensions

Nobuyuki Ishibashi, Koichi Murakami

1307.6019 (Julien Serreau et al.)

Covariant gauges without Gribov ambiguities in Yang-Mills theories    [PDF]

Julien Serreau, Matthieu Tissier, Andréas Tresmontant

1307.6079 (Nirmalendu Acharyya et al.)

Fuzzy Conifold $Y_F^6$ and Monopoles on $S_F^2\times S_F^2$    [PDF]

Nirmalendu Acharyya, Sachindeo Vaidya

1307.6122 (Michele Arzano et al.)

Black-hole entropy and minimal diffusion    [PDF]

Michele Arzano, Gianluca Calcagni

1307.6123 (Gesualdo Delfino et al.)

Spin clusters and conformal field theory    [PDF]

Gesualdo Delfino, Marco Picco, Raoul Santachiara, Jacopo Viti

1307.6137 (Fei Han et al.)

$E_8$ Bundles and Rigidity    [PDF]

Fei Han, Kefeng Liu, Weiping Zhang

1307.6147 (Stefan Keppeler et al.)

Hermitian Young Operators    [PDF]

Stefan Keppeler, Malin Sjodahl

1307.6158 (Ljubica Davidovic et al.)

Canonical approach to the closed string noncommutativity    [PDF]

Ljubica Davidovic, Bojan Nikolic, Branislav Sazdovic

1307.6161 (Carlo Ewerz et al.)

Applications of Holography to Strongly Coupled Plasmas    [PDF]

Carlo Ewerz, Konrad Schade

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

1102.1105 (Vamsi P. Pingali et al.)

On Bott-Chern forms and their applications    [PDF]

Vamsi P. Pingali, Leon A. Takhtajan

1307.3018 (Ushoshi Maitra et al.)

Reconciling small radion vacuum expectation values with massive
gravitons in an Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet warped geometry scenario

Ushoshi Maitra, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya, Soumitra SenGupta

1307.5325 (Han-Chih Chang et al.)

Entanglement Entropy for Probe Branes    [PDF]

Han-Chih Chang, Andreas Karch

1307.5331 (Daniel H. T. Franco et al.)

Finite one-loop radiative corrections in the Lorentz- and CPT-violating
QED extension

Daniel H. T. Franco, André H. Gomes

1307.5340 (Carlos M. Reyes)

Unitarity in higher-order Lorentz-invariance violating QED    [PDF]

Carlos M. Reyes

1307.5341 (Carlos M. Reyes)

Unitarity, ghosts and nonminimal terms in Lorentz violating QED    [PDF]

Carlos M. Reyes

1307.5352 (Marko Vojinovic)

Cosine problem in EPRL/FK spinfoam model    [PDF]

Marko Vojinovic

1307.5371 (Frederico Arroja et al.)

On the Trispectrum of Galileon Inflation    [PDF]

Frederico Arroja, Nicola Bartolo, Emanuela Dimastrogiovanni, Matteo Fasiello

1307.5461 (Maite Dupuis et al.)

Quantum hyperbolic geometry in loop quantum gravity with cosmological

Maite Dupuis, Florian Girelli

1307.5469 (S. Jordan et al.)

De Sitter Universe from Causal Dynamical Triangulations without
Preferred Foliation

S. Jordan, R. Loll

1307.5470 (Bahram Mashhoon et al.)

Spin Precession in Inertial and Gravitational Fields    [PDF]

Bahram Mashhoon, Yuri N. Obukhov

1307.5514 (Mozhgan Mir)

On Holographic Weyl Anomaly    [PDF]

Mozhgan Mir

1307.5527 (David Sloan)

Loop Quantum Cosmology and the Fine Structure Constant    [PDF]

David Sloan

1307.5531 (S. Faldella et al.)

SOV approach for integrable quantum models associated to general
representations on spin-1/2 chains of the 8-vertex reflection algebra

S. Faldella, G. Niccoli

1307.5536 (A. A. Saharian et al.)

Electromagnetic two-point functions and Casimir densities for a
conducting plate in de Sitter spacetime

A. A. Saharian, A. S. Kotanjyan, H. A. Nersisyan

1307.5573 (Shingo Kobayashi et al.)

Topological influence and back-action between topological excitations    [PDF]

Shingo Kobayashi, Nicolas Tarantino, Masahito Ueda

1307.5585 (Yutaka Sakamura et al.)

Impacts of non-geometric moduli on effective theory of 5D supergravity    [PDF]

Yutaka Sakamura, Yusuke Yamada

1307.5614 (Wung-Hong Huang)

Analytic Study of First-Order Phase Transition in Holographic
Superconductor and Superfluid

Wung-Hong Huang

1307.5623 (A. Yu. Kamenshchik)

Quantum cosmology and late-time singularities    [PDF]

A. Yu. Kamenshchik

1307.5629 (M. Ali-Akbari et al.)

Probe Branes Thermalization in External Electric and Magnetic Fields    [PDF]

M. Ali-Akbari, H. Ebrahim, Z. Rezaei

1307.5651 (Hernan A. Gonzalez et al.)

Asymptotically flat spacetimes in three-dimensional higher spin gravity    [PDF]

Hernan A. Gonzalez, Javier Matulich, Miguel Pino, Ricardo Troncoso

1307.5695 (George Prokhorov et al.)

Dynamics of wave fluctuations in the homogeneous Yang-Mills condensate    [PDF]

George Prokhorov, Roman Pasechnik, Grigory Vereshkov

1307.5771 (Steven Duplij)

Partial Hamiltonian formalism, multi-time dynamics and singular theories    [PDF]

Steven Duplij

1307.5772 (Domagoj Kovačević et al.)

Hermitian realizations of kappa-Minkowski spacetime    [PDF]

Domagoj Kovačević, Stjepan Meljanac, Andjelo Samsarov, Zoran Škoda

1307.5793 (Miranda C. N. Cheng et al.)

Umbral Moonshine and the Niemeier Lattices    [PDF]

Miranda C. N. Cheng, John F. R. Duncan, Jeffrey A. Harvey

1307.5795 (John H. Schwarz)

Multicharge Superstrings    [PDF]

John H. Schwarz

1307.5826 (M. Shifman)

Remarks on Adjoint QCD with k Flavors, k>= 2    [PDF]

M. Shifman

1307.5832 (P. Mastrolia et al.)

Multiloop Integrand Reduction for Dimensionally Regulated Amplitudes    [PDF]

P. Mastrolia, E. Mirabella, G. Ossola, T. Peraro

Monday, July 22, 2013

1106.3066 (Yuji Terashima et al.)

Semiclassical Analysis of the 3d/3d Relation    [PDF]

Yuji Terashima, Masahito Yamazaki

1106.3576 (Yasha Neiman et al.)

Anomalies in Superfluids and a Chiral Electric Effect    [PDF]

Yasha Neiman, Yaron Oz

1305.2207 (Yasha Neiman)

The imaginary part of the gravitational action at asymptotic boundaries
and horizons

Yasha Neiman

1305.3034 (Maud Jaccard et al.)

A non-local theory of massive gravity    [PDF]

Maud Jaccard, Michele Maggiore, Ermis Mitsou

1305.3267 (Irina Aref'eva et al.)

Holographic Thermalization from Kerr-AdS    [PDF]

Irina Aref'eva, Andrey Bagrov, Alexey S. Koshelev

1307.5005 (John D. Barrow et al.)

Geodesics at Sudden Singularities    [PDF]

John D. Barrow, S. Cotsakis

1307.5063 (Marco M. Caldarelli et al.)

AdS black holes with arbitrary scalar coupling    [PDF]

Marco M. Caldarelli, Christos Charmousis, Mokhtar Hassaïne

1307.5083 (Joseph Bramante et al.)

Cosmic Variance of the Spectral Index from Mode Coupling    [PDF]

Joseph Bramante, Jason Kumar, Elliot Nelson, Sarah Shandera

1307.5086 (Rouzbeh Allahverdi et al.)

Non-thermal Dark Matter in String Compactifications    [PDF]

Rouzbeh Allahverdi, Michele Cicoli, Bhaskar Dutta, Kuver Sinha

1307.5119 (Sayantan Choudhury et al.)

Improved constraints on primordial blackholes and gravitational waves
for a generic model of inflation

Sayantan Choudhury, Anupam Mazumdar

1307.5124 (Edward Witten)

The Feynman $i ε$ in String Theory    [PDF]

Edward Witten

1307.5176 (Paolo Pani et al.)

Constraining Primordial Black-Hole Bombs through Spectral Distortions of
the Cosmic Microwave Background

Paolo Pani, Abraham Loeb

1307.5209 (Yassen S. Stanev)

Constraining conformal field theory with higher spin symmetry in four

Yassen S. Stanev

1307.5254 (Margarita García Pérez et al.)

Spatial volume dependence for 2+1 dimensional SU(N) Yang-Mills theory    [PDF]

Margarita García Pérez, Antonio González-Arroyo, Masanori Okawa

1307.5259 (N. Aizawa et al.)

Chiral and Real N=2 supersymmetric l-conformal Galilei algebras    [PDF]

N. Aizawa, Z. Kuznetsova, F. Toppan

1307.5281 (Stephane Dartois et al.)

Double Scaling in Tensor Models with a Quartic Interaction    [PDF]

Stephane Dartois, Razvan Gurau, Vincent Rivasseau

1307.5298 (Dmitry Gorbunov et al.)

Scale-invariance as the origin of dark radiation?    [PDF]

Dmitry Gorbunov, Anna Tokareva

Friday, July 19, 2013

1307.4451 (Ruifeng Dong et al.)

Symmetron Inflation    [PDF]

Ruifeng Dong, William H. Kinney, Dejan Stojkovic

1307.4951 (Remo Ruffini et al.)

Einstein-Euler-Heisenberg Theory and Charged Black Holes    [PDF]

Remo Ruffini, Yuan-Bin Wu, She-Sheng Xue

1307.4768 (Hamid Afshar et al.)

Higher spin theory in 3-dimensional flat space    [PDF]

Hamid Afshar, Arjun Bagchi, Reza Fareghbal, Daniel Grumiller, Jan Rosseel

1307.4769 (Nicholas A. Ondo et al.)

Complete Decoupling Limit of Ghost-free Massive Gravity    [PDF]

Nicholas A. Ondo, Andrew J. Tolley

1307.4787 (Lara B. Anderson et al.)

A Comprehensive Scan for Heterotic SU(5) GUT models    [PDF]

Lara B. Anderson, Andrei Constantin, James Gray, Andre Lukas, Eran Palti

1307.4788 (Eric Bahuaud et al.)

Renormalized volume and the evolution of APEs    [PDF]

Eric Bahuaud, Rafe Mazzeo, Eric Woolgar

1307.4791 (Gaston Giribet et al.)

Quasilocal energy for three-dimensional massive gravity solutions with
chiral deformations of AdS boundary conditions

Gaston Giribet, Andrés Goya

1307.4793 (Sergei Gukov et al.)

Topological Quantum Field Theory, Nonlocal Operators, and Gapped Phases
of Gauge Theories

Sergei Gukov, Anton Kapustin

1307.4805 (Rudiney Hoffmann Casali et al.)

Density dependent magnetic field and the equation of state of hyperonic

Rudiney Hoffmann Casali, Débora Peres Menezes

1307.4855 (Hamid R. Afshar)

Flat/AdS boundary conditions in three dimensional conformal gravity    [PDF]

Hamid R. Afshar

1307.4865 (Bertrand Eynard et al.)

Lax matrix solution of c=1 Conformal Field Theory    [PDF]

Bertrand Eynard, Sylvain Ribault

1307.4890 (Debashis Ghoshal et al.)

Travelling Front of a Decaying Brane in String Field Theory    [PDF]

Debashis Ghoshal, Preeda Patcharamaneepakorn

1307.4896 (Timo Alho et al.)

Dynamic AdS/QCD and the Spectrum of Walking Gauge Theories    [PDF]

Timo Alho, Nick Evans, Kimmo Tuominen

1307.4926 (Sagar Biswas et al.)

Semiclassical Strings on Curved Branes    [PDF]

Sagar Biswas, Kamal L Panigrahi

1307.4957 (Gaëtan Borot)

Formal multidimensional integrals, stuffed maps, and topological

Gaëtan Borot

1307.4969 (Robert Lohmayer et al.)

Phase structure of two-dimensional QED at zero temperature with
flavor-dependent chemical potentials and the role of multidimensional theta

Robert Lohmayer, Rajamani Narayanan

1307.4972 (Michael Gary)

Still No Rindler Firewalls    [PDF]

Michael Gary

1307.5026 (Aristide Baratin et al.)

Melonic phase transition in group field theory    [PDF]

Aristide Baratin, Sylvain Carrozza, Daniele Oriti, James P. Ryan, Matteo Smerlak

1307.5029 (Norbert Bodendorfer)

Black hole entropy from loop quantum gravity in higher dimensions    [PDF]

Norbert Bodendorfer

1307.5031 (Robert Oeckl)

Towards state locality in quantum field theory: free fermions    [PDF]

Robert Oeckl

1307.5043 (Tim Adamo et al.)

Conformal and Einstein gravity from twistor actions    [PDF]

Tim Adamo, Lionel Mason

1307.5049 (Rafael I. Nepomechie)

Inhomogeneous T-Q equation for the open XXX chain with general boundary
terms: completeness and arbitrary spin

Rafael I. Nepomechie

Thursday, July 18, 2013

1307.4406 (Shohreh Abdolrahimi et al.)

Distorted Five-dimensional Electrically Charged Black Holes    [PDF]

Shohreh Abdolrahimi, Andrey A. Shoom

1307.4435 (Federico Carrasco et al.)

Multi-solitons with vector mesons on the two-sphere    [PDF]

Federico Carrasco, Oscar Reula

1307.4449 (Andrey V. Sokolov)

Polynomial Supersymmetry for Matrix Hamiltonians    [PDF]

Andrey V. Sokolov

1307.4464 (H. Falomir et al.)

Boundaries in the Moyal plane    [PDF]

H. Falomir, S. A. Franchino Viñas, P. A. G. Pisani, F. Vega

1307.4523 (Salvatore Capozziello et al.)

Extended Gravity: State of the Art and Perspectives    [PDF]

Salvatore Capozziello, Mariafelicia De Laurentis

1307.4536 (Zoltan Bajnok et al.)

Defect scaling Lee-Yang model from the perturbed DCFT point of view    [PDF]

Zoltan Bajnok, Laszlo Hollo, Gerard Watts

1307.4558 (Francesco Nitti et al.)

Dressing the Electron Star in a Holographic Superconductor    [PDF]

Francesco Nitti, Giuseppe Policastro, Thomas Vanel

1307.4572 (Yan Liu et al.)

Bose-Fermi competition in holographic metals    [PDF]

Yan Liu, Koenraad Schalm, Ya-Wen Sun, Jan Zaanen

1307.4587 (Si-xue Qin)

A Divergence-Free Method to Extract Observables from Meson Correlation

Si-xue Qin

1307.4598 (Flávio S. Coelho et al.)

PPN expansion and FRW scalar perturbations in n-DBI gravity    [PDF]

Flávio S. Coelho, Carlos Herdeiro, Shinji Hirano, Yuki Sato

1307.4609 (Johanna Erdmenger et al.)

Striped phases in the holographic insulator/superconductor transition    [PDF]

Johanna Erdmenger, Xian-Hui Ge, Da-Wei Pang

1307.4640 (Siraj Khan et al.)

Flows between Dualities for 3d Chern-Simons Theories    [PDF]

Siraj Khan, Radu Tatar

1307.4650 (Daniel N. Blaschke et al.)

BPHZ renormalization and its application to non-commutative field theory    [PDF]

Daniel N. Blaschke, Francois Gieres, Franz Heindl, Manfred Schweda, Michael Wohlgenannt

1307.4706 (Donald Marolf et al.)

Gauge/Gravity Duality and the Black Hole Interior    [PDF]

Donald Marolf, Joseph Polchinski

1307.4721 (Dan-Andrei Geba et al.)

Sharp global regularity for the 2+1-dimensional equivariant Faddeev

Dan-Andrei Geba, Kenji Nakanishi, Xiang Zhang

1307.4729 (Petr Dunin-Barkowski et al.)

Polynomiality of Hurwitz numbers, Bouchard-Mariño conjecture, and a
new proof of the ELSV formula

Petr Dunin-Barkowski, Maxim Kazarian, Nicolas Orantin, Sergey Shadrin, Loek Spitz

1307.4735 (Gaurav Goswami)

On counterterms in cosmological perturbation theory    [PDF]

Gaurav Goswami

1307.4740 (Alex Buchel et al.)

Universality of Abrupt Holographic Quenches    [PDF]

Alex Buchel, Robert C. Myers, Anton van Niekerk

1307.4748 (Spyros Basilakos et al.)

Effective equation of state for running vacuum: "mirage" quintessence
and phantom dark energy

Spyros Basilakos, Joan Sola

1307.4749 (E. Arias et al.)

The Phononic Casimir Effect in Random Fluids    [PDF]

E. Arias, C. H. G. Bessa, J. G. Duenas, G. Menezes, N. F. Svaiter

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

1307.3599 (Preston Jones et al.)

Field localization and Nambu Jona-Lasinio mass generation mechanism in
an alternative 5-dimensional brane model

Preston Jones, Gerardo Munoz, Douglas Singleton, Triyanta

1307.4083 (Johannes M. Henn et al.)

Analytic results for two-loop master integrals for Bhabha scattering I    [PDF]

Johannes M. Henn, Vladimir A. Smirnov

1307.4087 (Matthias R. Gaberdiel et al.)

Perturbations of W(infinity) CFTs    [PDF]

Matthias R. Gaberdiel, Kewang Jin, Wei Li

1307.4090 (Yi-Fu Cai et al.)

CMB Power Asymmetry from Primordial Sound Speed Parameter    [PDF]

Yi-Fu Cai, Wen Zhao, Yang Zhang

1307.4122 (Mauricio Cataldo et al.)

(N+1)-dimensional Lorentzian evolving wormholes supported by polytropic

Mauricio Cataldo, Sebastian Bahamonde, Fernanda Arostica

1307.4144 (Cesar E. Pachon et al.)

The Origin of the Dynamical Quantum Non-locality    [PDF]

Cesar E. Pachon, Leonardo A. Pachon

1307.4188 (Michal Eckstein et al.)

Heat trace and spectral action on the standard Podles sphere    [PDF]

Michal Eckstein, Bruno Iochum, Andrzej Sitarz

1307.4195 (Bibhas Ranjan Majhi et al.)

Modified Dispersion Relation, Photon's Velocity, and Unruh Effect    [PDF]

Bibhas Ranjan Majhi, Elias C. Vagenas

1307.4244 (Benjamin Assel)

Holographic Duality for three-dimensional Super-conformal Field Theories    [PDF]

Benjamin Assel

1307.4343 (Diederik Roest et al.)

Kahler potentials for Planck inflation    [PDF]

Diederik Roest, Marco Scalisi, Ivonne Zavala

1307.4348 (Carl M. Bender et al.)

Double-Scaling Limit of the O(N)-Symmetric Anharmonic Oscillator    [PDF]

Carl M. Bender, Sarben Sarkar

1307.4350 (Federico Piazza et al.)

Effective Field Theory of Cosmological Perturbations    [PDF]

Federico Piazza, Filippo Vernizzi

1307.4360 (Jason Doukas et al.)

Unruh Effect under Non-equilibrium conditions: Oscillatory motion of an
Unruh-DeWitt detector

Jason Doukas, Shih-Yuin Lin, B. L. Hu, Robert B. Mann

1307.4372 (Charles F. Doran et al.)

Automorphic forms for triangle groups    [PDF]

Charles F. Doran, Terry Gannon, Hossein Movasati, Khosro Monsef Shokri

1307.4381 (Shlomo S. Razamat et al.)

Global Properties of Supersymmetric Theories and the Lens Space    [PDF]

Shlomo S. Razamat, Brian Willett

1307.4389 (Francesca Catino et al.)

On the moduli space of spontaneously broken N = 8 supergravity    [PDF]

Francesca Catino, Gianguido Dall'Agata, Gianluca Inverso, Fabio Zwirner

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

1307.3559 (M. C. David Marsh et al.)

Charting an Inflationary Landscape with Random Matrix Theory    [PDF]

M. C. David Marsh, Liam McAllister, Enrico Pajer, Timm Wrase

1307.3606 (Navid Rad et al.)

Effect of circular Unruh radiation on bound nucleons and a possible
answer to the Lithium 7 puzzle

Navid Rad, Douglas Singleton, Triyanta

1307.3610 (Jassem Al-Alawi)

Dynamics of Phi^4 Kinks on a Class of Space Dependent Potentials    [PDF]

Jassem Al-Alawi

1307.3632 (Jurgen Fuchs et al.)

A geometric approach to boundaries and surface defects in
Dijkgraaf-Witten theories

Jurgen Fuchs, Christoph Schweigert, Alessandro Valentino

1307.3640 (Eugeny Babichev et al.)

Restoring General Relativity in massive bi-gravity theory    [PDF]

Eugeny Babichev, Marco Crisostomi

1307.3679 (C. Bervillier)

Revisiting the local potential approximation of the exact
renormalization group equation

C. Bervillier

1307.3689 (Tom Banks et al.)

Two Point Pade Approximants and Duality    [PDF]

Tom Banks, T. J. Torres

1307.3745 (Andrea Campoleoni et al.)

On the higher-spin charges of conical defects    [PDF]

Andrea Campoleoni, Stefan Fredenhagen

1307.3762 (M. Asorey et al.)

Boundary Effects in Quantum Physics    [PDF]

M. Asorey, J. M Munoz-Castaneda

1307.3771 (Nicholas J. Iles et al.)

Characters of the W3 algebra    [PDF]

Nicholas J. Iles, Gérard M. T. Watts

1307.3773 (Sophia K. Domokos et al.)

Stability conditions for spatially modulated phases    [PDF]

Sophia K. Domokos, Carlos Hoyos, Jacob Sonnenschein

1307.3784 (Alejandro Cabo-Bizet et al.)

Holography and Conformal Anomaly Matching    [PDF]

Alejandro Cabo-Bizet, Edi Gava, K. S. Narain

1307.3840 (Masaru Kamata)

Circular symmetry in the Hitchin system    [PDF]

Masaru Kamata

1307.3897 (Daisuke A. Takahashi et al.)

On reflectionless nature of self-consistent multi-soliton solutions in
Bogoliubov-de Gennes and chiral Gross-Neveu models

Daisuke A. Takahashi, Muneto Nitta

1307.3898 (Michele Maggiore)

Phantom dark energy from non-local massive gravity    [PDF]

Michele Maggiore

1307.3909 (Justin R. David et al.)

Structure constants of $β$ deformed super Yang-Mills    [PDF]

Justin R. David, Abhishake Sadhukhan

1307.3920 (Leandros Perivolaropoulos et al.)

Stabilizing the Semilocal String with a Dilatonic Coupling    [PDF]

Leandros Perivolaropoulos, Nikos Platis

1307.3928 (G. H. E. Duchamp et al.)

A combinatorial non-commutative Hopf algebra of graphs    [PDF]

G. H. E. Duchamp, N. Hoang-Nghia, D. Manchon, A. Tanasa

1307.3960 (S. Faldella et al.)

Complete spectrum and scalar products for the open spin-1/2 XXZ quantum
chains with non-diagonal boundary terms

S. Faldella, N. Kitanine, G. Niccoli

1307.3970 (Jean-Bernard Zuber)

Invariances in Physics and Group Theory    [PDF]

Jean-Bernard Zuber

1307.3985 (J. Bartels et al.)

Generalized Bootstrap Equations and possible implications for the NLO

J. Bartels, G. P. Vacca

1307.4010 (Farrokh Atai et al.)

Variational orthogonalization    [PDF]

Farrokh Atai, Jens Hoppe, Mariusz Hynek, Edwin Langmann

1307.4021 (Marco Astorino)

C-metric with a conformally coupled scalar field in a magnetic universe    [PDF]

Marco Astorino

1307.4049 (Callum Quigley)

Heterotic Flux Geometry from Chiral Gauge Dynamics    [PDF]

Callum Quigley

1307.4055 (Adrian Lewandowski)

Renormalization of Nielsen Identities    [PDF]

Adrian Lewandowski

1307.4065 (Yu-tin Huang et al.)

Consistency conditions from generalized-unitarity    [PDF]

Yu-tin Huang, David McGady

1307.4066 (Louis Lello et al.)

Pre-slow roll initial conditions: large scale power suppression and
infrared aspects during inflation

Louis Lello, Daniel Boyanovsky, Richard Holman

Monday, July 15, 2013

1307.3211 (Julien Garaud et al.)

Skyrmionic state induced by dissipationless drag in U(1)xU(1)

Julien Garaud, Karl A. H. Sellin, Juha Jäykkä, Egor Babaev

1307.3245 (Jaehoon Lee et al.)

Algebra of Majorana Doubling    [PDF]

Jaehoon Lee, Frank Wilczek

1307.3251 (Francesco D'Eramo et al.)

Anomaly Mediation from Unbroken Supergravity    [PDF]

Francesco D'Eramo, Jesse Thaler, Zachary Thomas

1307.3281 (Anosh Joseph)

Lattice formulation of three-dimensional ${\cal N}=4$ gauge theory with
fundamental matter fields

Anosh Joseph

1307.3352 (Kiyoshi Shiraishi)

Hosotani model in closed-string theory    [PDF]

Kiyoshi Shiraishi

1307.3359 (Enrico Barausse et al.)

Black holes in Lorentz-violating gravity theories    [PDF]

Enrico Barausse, Thomas P. Sotiriou

1307.3423 (Waldemar Schulgin et al.)

Asymptotic symmetry groups and operator algebras    [PDF]

Waldemar Schulgin, Jan Troost

1307.3444 (V. I. Shevchenko)

Non-Stationary Measurements of Chiral Magnetic Effect    [PDF]

V. I. Shevchenko

1307.3458 (Gia Dvali et al.)

Scrambling in the Black Hole Portrait    [PDF]

Gia Dvali, Daniel Flassig, Cesar Gomez, Alexander Pritzel, Nico Wintergerst

1307.3491 (T. G. Mertens et al.)

Random Walks in Rindler Spacetime and String Theory at the Tip of the

T. G. Mertens, H. Verschelde, V. I. Zakharov

1307.3506 (Thomas Klose et al.)

Comments on World-Sheet Form Factors in AdS/CFT    [PDF]

Thomas Klose, Tristan McLoughlin

1307.3517 (Joanna L. Karczmarek et al.)

Holographic entanglement entropy in nonlocal theories    [PDF]

Joanna L. Karczmarek, Charles Rabideau

1307.3520 (Ehsan Hatefi)

Selection rules, RR couplings on non-BPS branes and their all order
$α'$-corrections in type IIA(B) super string theories

Ehsan Hatefi

1307.3534 (Michael B. Green et al.)

Multiparticle one-loop amplitudes and S-duality in closed superstring

Michael B. Green, Carlos R. Mafra, Oliver Schlotterer

1307.3536 (Dario Buttazzo et al.)

Investigating the near-criticality of the Higgs boson    [PDF]

Dario Buttazzo, Giuseppe Degrassi, Pier Paolo Giardino, Gian F. Giudice, Filippo Sala, Alberto Salvio, Alessandro Strumia

1307.3537 (John Ellis et al.)

Starobinsky-like Inflationary Models as Avatars of No-Scale Supergravity    [PDF]

John Ellis, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Keith A. Olive

Friday, July 12, 2013

0907.3408 (Anastasia Doikou et al.)

New reflection matrices for the U_q(gl(m|n)) case    [PDF]

Anastasia Doikou, Nikos Karaiskos

0910.1203 (Anastasia Doikou)

On boundary super algebras    [PDF]

Anastasia Doikou

1307.2902 (Jan Borchmann et al.)

SU(5) Tops with Multiple U(1)s in F-theory    [PDF]

Jan Borchmann, Christoph Mayrhofer, Eran Palti, Timo Weigand

1307.2932 (Willy Fischler et al.)

Holographic Entanglement in a Noncommutative Gauge Theory    [PDF]

Willy Fischler, Arnab Kundu, Sandipan Kundu

1307.2969 (Ke Yang et al.)

Linear perturbations in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity    [PDF]

Ke Yang, Xiao-Long Du, Yu-Xiao Liu

1307.3052 (Marco Benini et al.)

A C*-algebra for quantized principal U(1)-connections on globally
hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds

Marco Benini, Claudio Dappiaggi, Thomas-Paul Hack, Alexander Schenkel

1307.3063 (J. M. Speight)

Solitons on tori and soliton crystals    [PDF]

J. M. Speight

1307.3064 (C. S. Shahbazi)

Black Holes in Supergravity with Applications to String Theory    [PDF]

C. S. Shahbazi

1307.3077 (Nobuyoshi Ohta et al.)

Asymptotically AdS Charged Black Holes in String Theory with
Gauss-Bonnet Correction in Various Dimensions

Nobuyoshi Ohta, Takashi Torii

1307.3089 (L I Plimak et al.)

Causal signal transmission by quantum fields -- V: Generalised Keldysh
rotations and electromagnetic response of the Dirac sea

L I Plimak, S Stenholm

1307.3093 (Kunihito Uzawa et al.)

Dynamical F-strings intersecting D2-branes in type IIA supergravity    [PDF]

Kunihito Uzawa, Kentaroh Yoshida

1307.3104 (Pablo G. Camara et al.)

The String Origin of SUSY Flavor Violation    [PDF]

Pablo G. Camara, Luis E. Ibanez, Irene Valenzuela

1307.3106 (Henrik Johansson et al.)

Color-Kinematics Duality in Multi-Regge Kinematics and Dimensional

Henrik Johansson, Agustin Sabio Vera, Eduardo Serna Campillo, Miguel A. Vazquez-Mozo

1307.3111 (Ferdinando Gliozzi)

More constraining conformal bootstrap    [PDF]

Ferdinando Gliozzi

1307.3115 (Masaki Shigemori)

Perturbative 3-charge microstate geometries in six dimensions    [PDF]

Masaki Shigemori

1307.3118 (Max R. Atkin et al.)

Instantons and Extreme Value Statistics of Random Matrices    [PDF]

Max R. Atkin, Stefan Zohren

1307.3123 (Francois David et al.)

Planar maps, circle patterns and 2d gravity    [PDF]

Francois David, Bertrand Eynard

1307.3141 (Ilka Brunner et al.)

Orbifolds and topological defects    [PDF]

Ilka Brunner, Nils Carqueville, Daniel Plencner

1307.3149 (Jian Qiu et al.)

5D Super Yang-Mills on $Y^{p,q}$ Sasaki-Einstein manifolds    [PDF]

Jian Qiu, Maxim Zabzine

1307.3152 (A. V. Grabovsky)

On the solution to the NLO forward BFKL equation    [PDF]

A. V. Grabovsky

1307.3170 (Denis Dalidovich et al.)

Perturbative non-Fermi liquids from dimensional regularization    [PDF]

Denis Dalidovich, Sung-Sik Lee

1307.3190 (F. S. Gama et al.)

On the effective superpotential in the generic higher-derivative
superfield supersymmetric three-dimensional gauge theory

F. S. Gama, J. R. Nascimento, A. Yu. Petrov

1307.3199 (Rakibur Rahman)

Higher Spin Theory -- Part I    [PDF]

Rakibur Rahman

1307.3200 (Gustavo Lucena Gómez)

Higher-Spin Theory - Part II: enter dimension three    [PDF]

Gustavo Lucena Gómez

1307.3220 (Lorenzo Mercolli et al.)

On the Velocity in the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures    [PDF]

Lorenzo Mercolli, Enrico Pajer

1307.3228 (Carlo Rovelli et al.)

Maximal acceleration in covariant loop gravity and singularity

Carlo Rovelli, Francesca Vidotto

1307.3233 (Charles B. Thorn)

6-Vertex Model on an Open String Worldsheet    [PDF]

Charles B. Thorn

1307.3234 (Kristan Jensen et al.)

Chiral conductivities and effective field theory    [PDF]

Kristan Jensen, Pavel Kovtun, Adam Ritz

1307.3240 (Pallab Goswami et al.)

Axionic superconductivity in three dimensional doped narrow gap

Pallab Goswami, Bitan Roy

Thursday, July 11, 2013

1111.2867 (Etera R. Livine et al.)

Classical Setting and Effective Dynamics for Spinfoam Cosmology    [PDF]

Etera R. Livine, Mercedes Martín-Benito

1306.5668 (Simon Catterall et al.)

Dynamical Gauge Symmetry Breaking in Strongly Coupled Lattice Theories    [PDF]

Simon Catterall, Aarti Veernala

1307.2539 (Wilke van der Schee et al.)

A fully dynamical simulation of central nuclear collisions    [PDF]

Wilke van der Schee, Paul Romatschke, Scott Pratt

1307.2572 (Carlos Hoyos et al.)

The holographic dilaton    [PDF]

Carlos Hoyos, Uri Kol, Jacob Sonnenschein, Shimon Yankielowicz

1307.2574 (Chunshan Lin)

Inflation on a spatial condensation web    [PDF]

Chunshan Lin

1307.2576 (A. Morozov et al.)

Finalizing the proof of AGT relations with the help of the generalized
Jack polynomials

A. Morozov, A. Smirnov

1307.2575 (Laurence Perreault Levasseur et al.)

Recursive Stochastic Effects in Valley Hybrid Inflation    [PDF]

Laurence Perreault Levasseur, Vincent Vennin, Robert Brandenberger

1307.2578 (Davide Gaiotto et al.)

Surface Defects and Resolvents    [PDF]

Davide Gaiotto, Sergei Gukov, Nathan Seiberg

1307.2591 (G. Chachamis et al.)

Gluon Regge trajectory at two loops from Lipatov's high energy effective

G. Chachamis, M. Hentschinski, J. D. Madrigal, A. Sabio Vera

1307.2609 (Albert Much)

Quantum Mechanical Effects from Deformation Theory    [PDF]

Albert Much

1307.2624 (T Vargas)

Ponzano-Regge Model on Manifold with Torsion    [PDF]

T Vargas

1307.2631 (Yuhei Goto et al.)

Orbifold Family Unification on 6 Dimensions    [PDF]

Yuhei Goto, Yoshiharu Kawamura, Takashi Miura

1307.2691 (Jihye Sofia Seo)

Singularity Structure of N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories: A

Jihye Sofia Seo

1307.2736 (Stefan A. Stricker)

Holographic thermalization in N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory at finite

Stefan A. Stricker

1307.2749 (Badis Ydri et al.)

On the Problem of Vacuum Energy in FLRW Universes and Dark Energy    [PDF]

Badis Ydri, Adel Bouchareb

1307.2752 (Anastasia Doikou)

Type-I integrable quantum impurities in the Heisenberg model    [PDF]

Anastasia Doikou

1307.2768 (Rong-Gen Cai et al.)

Competition and Coexistence of Order Parameters in Holographic
Multi-Band Superconductors

Rong-Gen Cai, Li Li, Li-Fang Li, Yong-Qiang Wang

1307.2774 (Eric A. Bergshoeff et al.)

Zwei-Dreibein Gravity    [PDF]

Eric A. Bergshoeff, Sjoerd de Haan, Olaf Hohm, Wout Merbis, Paul K. Townsend

1307.2816 (Dmitri Bykov)

The Kähler metric of a blow-up    [PDF]

Dmitri Bykov

1307.2831 (A. Melikyan et al.)

Integrable theories and generalized graded Maillet algebras    [PDF]

A. Melikyan, G. Weber

1307.2875 (Maciej Maliborski et al.)

A comment on "Boson stars in AdS"    [PDF]

Maciej Maliborski, Andrzej Rostworowski

1307.2876 (V. P. Spiridonov)

Aspects of elliptic hypergeometric functions    [PDF]

V. P. Spiridonov

1307.2880 (Phongpichit Channuie et al.)

Observational Constraints on Composite Inflationary Models    [PDF]

Phongpichit Channuie, Khamphee Karwan

1307.2882 (V. Keranen et al.)

Holographic geometries for condensed matter applications    [PDF]

V. Keranen, L. Thorlacius

1307.2892 (Thomas Faulkner et al.)

Quantum corrections to holographic entanglement entropy    [PDF]

Thomas Faulkner, Aitor Lewkowycz, Juan Maldacena

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

1307.2227 (Matteo Smerlak)

The two faces of Hawking radiation    [PDF]

Matteo Smerlak

1307.2229 (Zahra Haghani et al.)

Weyl-Cartan-Weitzenböck gravity through Lagrange multiplier    [PDF]

Zahra Haghani, Tiberiu Harko, Hamid Reza Sepangi, Shahab Shahidi

1307.2234 (Gokce Basar et al.)

Chiral and Gravitational Anomalies on Fermi Surfaces    [PDF]

Gokce Basar, Dmitri E. Kharzeev, Ismail Zahed

1307.2245 (Gregory Gabadadze et al.)

On the Potential for General Relativity and its Geometry    [PDF]

Gregory Gabadadze, Kurt Hinterbichler, David Pirtskhalava, Yanwen Shang

1307.2263 (A. de la Cruz-Dombriz et al.)

Topological solutions in ungauged Supergravity    [PDF]

A. de la Cruz-Dombriz, M. Montero, C. S. Shahbazi

1307.2269 (L. B. Anderson et al.)

General aspects of heterotic string compactifications on stacks and

L. B. Anderson, B. Jia, R. Manion, B. Ovrut, E. Sharpe

1307.2270 (J. Ambjorn et al.)

Euclidian 4d quantum gravity with a non-trivial measure term    [PDF]

J. Ambjorn, L. Glaser, A. Goerlich, J. Jurkiewicz

1307.2276 (Roberto Emparan et al.)

Black String Flow    [PDF]

Roberto Emparan, Marina Martinez

1307.2288 (Tarun Grover et al.)

Quantum Disentangled Liquids    [PDF]

Tarun Grover, Matthew P. A. Fisher

1307.2305 (H. Lu et al.)

SL(n,R)-Toda Black Holes    [PDF]

H. Lu, Wei Yang

1307.2317 (D. M. Dantas et al.)

Fermions in a warped resolved conifold    [PDF]

D. M. Dantas, J. E. G. Silva, C. A. S. Almeida

1307.2400 (Domenec Espriu et al.)

Radiative corrections to WL WL scattering in composite Higgs models    [PDF]

Domenec Espriu, Federico Mescia, Brian Yencho

1307.2420 (D. Bettinelli et al.)

The Stueckelberg Mechanism in the presence of Physical Scalar Resonances    [PDF]

D. Bettinelli, A. Quadri

1307.2423 (Joel M. Weller)

Fermion condensate from torsion in the reheating era after inflation    [PDF]

Joel M. Weller

1307.2450 (Cedric Deffayet et al.)

A formal introduction to Horndeski and Galileon theories and their

Cedric Deffayet, Daniele A Steer

1307.2453 (Richard Easther et al.)

Supersymmetry, Nonthermal Dark Matter and Precision Cosmology    [PDF]

Richard Easther, Richard Galvez, Ogan Ozsoy, Scott Watson

1307.2454 (Massimo Giovannini)

Anomalous Magnetohydrodynamics    [PDF]

Massimo Giovannini

1307.2511 (L. Ortíz)

A note on the two point function on the boundary of AdS spacetime    [PDF]

L. Ortíz

1307.2513 (Alexander K Knochel)

What can the Higgs tell us about UV physics?    [PDF]

Alexander K Knochel

1307.2535 (Kimball A. Milton et al.)

Investigations of the torque anomaly in an annular sector. II. Global
calculations, electromagnetic case

Kimball A. Milton, Prachi Parashar, E. K. Abalo, Fardin Kheirandish, Klaus Kirsten

1307.2551 (Francesco Antonuccio)

4-Spinors and 5D Spacetime    [PDF]

Francesco Antonuccio

1307.2564 (Xian Gao)

Coupling structure of multi-field primordial perturbations    [PDF]

Xian Gao

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

1212.0341 (Alex E. Bernardini et al.)

The Hamiltonian formalism for scalar fields coupled to gravity in a
cosmological background

Alex E. Bernardini, O. Bertolami

1305.3260 (Pablo Alejandro Sánchez et al.)

Inflationary dark energy from a condensate of spinors in a 5D vacuum    [PDF]

Pablo Alejandro Sánchez, Mauricio Bellini

1307.1701 (Iñaki García-Etxebarria et al.)

New N=1 dualities from orientifold transitions - Part II: String Theory    [PDF]

Iñaki García-Etxebarria, Ben Heidenreich, Timm Wrase

1307.1734 (Rodolfo Casana et al.)

Self-dual Maxwell-Chern-Simons solitons from a Lorentz-violating model    [PDF]

Rodolfo Casana, Lucas Sourrouille

1307.1749 (Eric D'Hoker et al.)

Two-loop vacuum energy for Calabi-Yau orbifold models    [PDF]

Eric D'Hoker, Duong H. Phong

1307.1762 (Martin Cederwall)

Pure spinor superfields -- an overview    [PDF]

Martin Cederwall

1307.1780 (Gandalf Lechner et al.)

Non-local in time perturbations of linear hyperbolic PDEs    [PDF]

Gandalf Lechner, Rainer Verch

1307.1796 (Mark Van Raamsdonk)

Evaporating Firewalls    [PDF]

Mark Van Raamsdonk

1307.1802 (Caio V. Costa et al.)

Nonlinear corrections in basic problems of electro- and magneto-statics
in the vacuum

Caio V. Costa, Dmitry M. Gitman, Anatoly E. Shabad

1307.1812 (R. A. Konoplya et al.)

A massive charged scalar field in the Kerr-Newman background I:
quasinormal modes, late-time tails and stability

R. A. Konoplya, A. Zhidenko

1307.1831 (Hiroyuki Abe et al.)

Flavor landscape of 10D SYM theory with magnetized extra dimensions    [PDF]

Hiroyuki Abe, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ohki, Keigo Sumita, Yoshiyuki Tatsuta

1307.1848 (Itzhak Bars et al.)

Local Conformal Symmetry in Physics and Cosmology    [PDF]

Itzhak Bars, Paul Steinhardt, Neil Turok

1307.1853 (Leonardo Pedro)

The Majorana spinor representation of the Poincare group    [PDF]

Leonardo Pedro

1307.1883 (Tiberiu Harko et al.)

Wormhole geometries in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity    [PDF]

Tiberiu Harko, Francisco S. N. Lobo, M. K. Mak, Sergey V. Sushkov

1307.1910 (P. Fré et al.)

Integrable Scalar Cosmologies I. Foundations and links with String

P. Fré, A. Sagnotti, A. S. Sorin

1307.1920 (S. A. Fulling et al.)

Comment on `Wedges, cones, cosmic strings and their vacuum energy'    [PDF]

S. A. Fulling, F. D. Mera

1307.1974 (J. Kluson)

Hamiltonian Formalism of Bimetric Gravity In Vierbein Formulation    [PDF]

J. Kluson

1307.2023 (Junpeng Cao et al.)

Off-diagonal Bethe ansatz solutions of the anisotropic spin-1/2 chains
with arbitrary boundary fields

Junpeng Cao, Wen-Li Yang, Kangjie Shi, Yupeng Wang

1307.2060 (Enrique Alvarez et al.)

Pseudo Weyl invariance is still anomalous    [PDF]

Enrique Alvarez, Mario Herrero-Valea

1307.2086 (Parinya Karndumri et al.)

3D Supergravity from wrapped D3-branes    [PDF]

Parinya Karndumri, Eoin O Colgain

1307.2116 (Ya. I. Azimov)

Angular Functions with Complex Angular Momenta    [PDF]

Ya. I. Azimov

1307.2128 (C. Rugina)

Almost-BPS solutions in multi-center Taub-NUT    [PDF]

C. Rugina

1307.2172 (Wei-Ming Chen et al.)

Partition Function of Chiral Boson on 2-Torus from Floreanini-Jackiw

Wei-Ming Chen, Pei-Ming Ho, Hsien-chung Kao, Fech Scen Khoo, Yutaka Matsuo

1307.2184 (Mara Grahl et al.)

Functional renormalization group study of the two-flavor linear sigma
model in the presence of the axial anomaly

Mara Grahl, Dirk H. Rischke

1307.2194 (Andres Anabalon et al.)

On the mechanical stability of asymptotically flat black holes with
minimally coupled scalar hair

Andres Anabalon, Nathalie Deruelle

1307.2199 (Freddy Cachazo et al.)

Scattering of Massless Particles in Arbitrary Dimension    [PDF]

Freddy Cachazo, Song He, Ellis Ye Yuan

1307.2216 (A. Anokhina et al.)

Cabling procedure for the colored HOMFLY polynomials    [PDF]

A. Anokhina, An. Morozov

1307.2221 (Matthias R. Gaberdiel et al.)

Probing higher spin black holes from CFT    [PDF]

Matthias R. Gaberdiel, Kewang Jin, Eric Perlmutter

1307.2222 (Yu-tin Huang et al.)

On Three-Algebra and Bi-Fundamental Matter Amplitudes and Integrability
of Supergravity

Yu-tin Huang, Henrik Johansson, Sangmin Lee

Monday, July 8, 2013

1103.0034 (Gaetano Fiore)

On quantum mechanics with a magnetic field on R^n and on a torus T^n,
and their relation

Gaetano Fiore

1109.5846 (Andrew Briggs et al.)

Equivalence of the Path Integral for Fermions in Cartesian and Spherical

Andrew Briggs, Horacio E. Camblong, Carlos R. Ordonez

1307.1473 (Siavosh R. Behbahani et al.)

Electrons turn into anyons under an elastic membrane    [PDF]

Siavosh R. Behbahani, Claudio Chamon, Emanuel Katz

1307.1486 (Tarun Grover)

Quantum Entanglement of Interacting Fermions in Monte Carlo    [PDF]

Tarun Grover

1307.1487 (V. Balasubramanian et al.)

Inhomogeneous Thermalization in Strongly Coupled Field Theories    [PDF]

V. Balasubramanian, A. Bernamonti, J. de Boer, B. Craps, L. Franti, F. Galli, E. Keski-Vakkuri, B. Müller, A. Schäfer

1307.1502 (A. Mironov et al.)

Spectral dualities in XXZ spin chains and five dimensional gauge

A. Mironov, A. Morozov, B. Runov, Y. Zenkevich, A. Zotov

1307.1554 (Michael Rios)

U-Duality and the Leech Lattice    [PDF]

Michael Rios

1307.1604 (H. Nikolic)

Can a wormhole be interpreted as an EPR pair?    [PDF]

H. Nikolic

1307.1663 (Joshua DeBellis et al.)

Reduced Chern-Simons Quiver Theories and Cohomological 3-Algebra Models    [PDF]

Joshua DeBellis, Richard J. Szabo

1307.1689 (Adel Bilal et al.)

Multi-Loop Zeta Function Regularization and Spectral Cutoff in Curved

Adel Bilal, Frank Ferrari

Friday, July 5, 2013

1303.6628 (Noemi Frusciante et al.)

Gradient expansion of superhorizon perturbations in G-inflation    [PDF]

Noemi Frusciante, Shuang-Yong Zhou, Thomas P. Sotiriou

1307.1128 (Masahito Yamazaki)

New Integrable Models from the Gauge/YBE Correspondence    [PDF]

Masahito Yamazaki

1307.1132 (Kristan Jensen et al.)

The holographic dual of an EPR pair has a wormhole    [PDF]

Kristan Jensen, Andreas Karch

1307.1137 (F. Farakos et al.)

On the Starobinsky Model of Inflation from Supergravity    [PDF]

F. Farakos, A. Kehagias, A. Riotto

1307.1139 (Xin Gao et al.)

On Classifying the Divisor Involutions in Calabi-Yau Threefolds    [PDF]

Xin Gao, Pramod Shukla

1307.1140 (Marcin Daszkiewicz)

Twist deformation of l-conformal Galilei Hopf algebra    [PDF]

Marcin Daszkiewicz

1307.1141 (Xin Gao et al.)

Stabilization of Odd Axions in LARGE Volume Scenario    [PDF]

Xin Gao, Pramod Shukla

1307.1145 (Helvi Witek)

Black hole dynamics in generic spacetimes    [PDF]

Helvi Witek

1307.1153 (Gustavo Arciniega et al.)

Brighter Branes, enhancement of photon production by strong magnetic
fields in the gauge/gravity correspondence

Gustavo Arciniega, Patricia Ortega, Leonardo Patino

1307.1203 (Isao Kishimoto et al.)

Gauge Invariant Overlaps for Identity-Based Marginal Solutions    [PDF]

Isao Kishimoto, Tomohiko Takahashi

1307.1247 (Andreas Aste)

Aspects of the derivative coupling model in four dimensions    [PDF]

Andreas Aste

1307.1290 (Daniel Butter et al.)

Nonlocal action for the super-Weyl anomalies: A new representation    [PDF]

Daniel Butter, Sergei M. Kuzenko

1307.1313 (Rabin Banerjee et al.)

Two dimensional hydrodynamics with gauge and gravitational anomalies    [PDF]

Rabin Banerjee, Poulami Chakraborty, Shirsendu Dey, Bibhas Ranjan Majhi, Arpan Krishna Mitra

1307.1314 (Karthik Inbasekar et al.)

Stability of Bianchi attractors in Gauged Supergravity    [PDF]

Karthik Inbasekar, Prasanta K. Tripathy

1307.1317 (Erich Poppitz et al.)

(S)QCD on R^3 x S^1: Screening of Polyakov loop by fundamental quarks
and the demise of semi-classics

Erich Poppitz, Tin Sulejmanpasic

1307.1331 (Abhay Ashtekar)

A new perspective on CP and T violation    [PDF]

Abhay Ashtekar

1307.1345 (Michikazu Kobayashi et al.)

Vortex polygons and their stabilities in Bose-Einstein condensates and
field theory

Michikazu Kobayashi, Muneto Nitta

1307.1367 (Stanislav Kuperstein et al.)

Spacetime emergence via holographic RG flow from incompressible
Navier-Stokes at the horizon

Stanislav Kuperstein, Ayan Mukhopadhyay

1307.1378 (Luis Alvarez-Gaume et al.)

More On Critical Collapse of Axion-Dilaton System in Dimension Four    [PDF]

Luis Alvarez-Gaume, Ehsan Hatefi

1307.1422 (P. J. Mora et al.)

Hartree Approximation to the One Loop Quantum Gravitational Correction
to the Graviton Mode Function on de Sitter

P. J. Mora, N. C. Tsamis, R. P. Woodard

1307.1443 (Arthur E. Lipstein et al.)

From dlogs to dilogs; the super Yang-Mills MHV amplitude revisited    [PDF]

Arthur E. Lipstein, Lionel Mason

1307.1452 (Igor Salom)

Role of the orthogonal group in construction of osp(1|2n)

Igor Salom

1307.1460 (E. Abdalla et al.)

Holographic phase transition and conductivity in three dimensional
Lifshitz black hole

E. Abdalla, Jeferson de Oliveira, A. B. Pavan, C. E. Pellicer

1307.1465 (G. Aminov et al.)

Three-particle Integrable Systems with Elliptic Dependence on Momenta
and Theta Function Identities

G. Aminov, A. Mironov, A. Morozov, A. Zotov