Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1011.2392 (Anisur Rahaman)

A note on the vector Schwinger Model with the photon mass term: Gauge
invariant reformulation, operator solution and path integral formulation

Anisur Rahaman

1104.3579 (D. Blas et al.)

Technically natural dark energy from Lorentz breaking    [PDF]

D. Blas, S. Sibiryakov

1108.2340 (Alfredo Iorio et al.)

The Hawking-Unruh phenomenon on graphene    [PDF]

Alfredo Iorio, Gaetano Lambiase

1110.1099 (Navid Rad et al.)

A test of the circular Unruh effect using atomic electrons    [PDF]

Navid Rad, Douglas Singleton

1111.0836 (K. Bakke et al.)

Kaluza-Klein description of geometric phases in graphene    [PDF]

K. Bakke, A. Yu. Petrov, C. Furtado

1112.1439 (C. A. Ballon Bayona et al.)

Generalized baryon form factors and proton structure functions in the
Sakai-Sugimoto model

C. A. Ballon Bayona, Henrique Boschi-Filho, Nelson R. F. Braga, Matthias Ihl, Marcus A. C. Torres

1201.0025 (Petr Dunin-Barkowski et al.)

Explicit computation of Drinfeld associator in the case of the
fundamental representation of gl(N)

Petr Dunin-Barkowski, Alexey Sleptsov, Andrey Smirnov