Wednesday, July 31, 2013

0911.0255 (Mohammad R. Garousi)

T-duality of curvature terms in D-brane actions    [PDF]

Mohammad R. Garousi

1101.0540 (A. Lima-Santos)

Temperley-Lieb K-matrices    [PDF]

A. Lima-Santos

1307.7972 (Teimuraz Nadareishvili et al.)

Generalization of the hypervirial and Feynman-Hellman theorems    [PDF]

Teimuraz Nadareishvili, Anzor Khelashvili

1307.7710 (Ignacio Cortese et al.)

Consistent Non-Minimal Couplings of Massive Higher-Spin Particles    [PDF]

Ignacio Cortese, Rakibur Rahman, M. Sivakumar

1307.7717 (Jeffrey A. Harvey et al.)

Moonshine in Fivebrane Spacetimes    [PDF]

Jeffrey A. Harvey, Sameer Murthy

1307.7722 (L. A. Ferreira et al.)

The concept of quasi-integrability    [PDF]

L. A. Ferreira, G. Luchini, Wojtek J. Zakrzewski

1307.7724 (Thomas Quella et al.)

Superspace conformal field theory    [PDF]

Thomas Quella, Volker Schomerus

1307.7725 (Prabal Adhikari et al.)

Mean-field theory of baryonic matter for QCD in the large $N_{c}$ and
heavy quark mass limits

Prabal Adhikari, Thomas D. Cohen

1307.7726 (J. Dubail et al.)

Tensor network trial states for chiral topological phases in two

J. Dubail, N. Read

1307.7732 (Mohammed Mia)

Thermodynamics of large N gauge theory from top down holography    [PDF]

Mohammed Mia

1307.7738 (Anton de la Fuente et al.)

Holography of the BTZ Black Hole, Inside and Out    [PDF]

Anton de la Fuente, Raman Sundrum

1307.7748 (Denes Sexty)

Simulating full QCD at nonzero density using the complex Langevin

Denes Sexty

1307.7750 (G. Chachamis et al.)

Monte Carlo techniques in small-x physics: Formal studies and

G. Chachamis, A. Sabio Vera

1307.7773 (Adi Armoni et al.)

Correlators of Circular Wilson Loops from Holography    [PDF]

Adi Armoni, Maurizio Piai, Ali Teimouri

1307.7839 (Kenny Wong)

A non-abelian vortex lattice in strongly-coupled systems    [PDF]

Kenny Wong

1307.7864 (Kaixi Feng et al.)

Curvaton with nonminimal derivative coupling to gravity    [PDF]

Kaixi Feng, Taotao Qiu, Yun-Song Piao

1307.7899 (M. Asghari et al.)

Harmonic oscillator with minimal length, minimal momentum, and maximal
momentum uncertainties in SUSYQM framework

M. Asghari, P. Pedram, K. Nozari

1307.7909 (O. Dubinkin)

On the Virasoro constraints for torus knots    [PDF]

O. Dubinkin

1307.7924 (Zong-Gang Mou et al.)

Ensemble fermions for electroweak dynamics and the fermion preheating

Zong-Gang Mou, Paul M. Saffin, Anders Tranberg

1307.7938 (Renata Kallosh et al.)

Non-minimal Inflationary Attractors    [PDF]

Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde

1307.7954 (Lorenzo Battarra et al.)

Zoology of instanton solutions in flat potential barriers    [PDF]

Lorenzo Battarra, George Lavrelashvili, Jean-Luc Lehners

1307.7977 (Hamzeh Alavirad et al.)

Modified gravity with logarithmic curvature corrections and the
structure of relativistic stars

Hamzeh Alavirad, Joel M. Weller

1307.7988 (Giovanni Amelino-Camelia et al.)

Pathways to relativistic curved momentum spaces: de Sitter case study    [PDF]

Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Giulia Gubitosi, Giovanni Palmisano

1307.7997 (Andrea Cattaneo)

Elliptic fibrations and the singularities of their Weierstrass models    [PDF]

Andrea Cattaneo

1307.8048 (Yu Nakayama)

Consistency of local renormalization group in d=3    [PDF]

Yu Nakayama

1307.8063 (Claudio Bonati et al.)

The Magnetic Susceptibility of Strongly Interacting Matter across

Claudio Bonati, Massimo D'Elia, Marco Mariti, Francesco Negro, Francesco Sanfilippo

1307.8066 (Ruggero Bandiera)

Formality of Kapranov's brackets on pre-Lie algebras    [PDF]

Ruggero Bandiera

1307.8081 (Vishagan Sivanesan)

Proof of the most general multiple-scalar field theory in Minkowski
space-time free of Ostrogradski Ghost

Vishagan Sivanesan

1307.8089 (Anamaría Font et al.)

Up-type quark masses in SU(5) F-theory models    [PDF]

Anamaría Font, Fernando Marchesano, Diego Regalado, Gianluca Zoccarato

1307.8092 (Vasyl Alba et al.)

Constraining conformal field theories with a higher spin symmetry in d=4    [PDF]

Vasyl Alba, Kenan Diab

1307.8094 (A. V. Litvinov)

On spectrum of ILW hierarchy in conformal field theory    [PDF]

A. V. Litvinov

1307.8100 (Irene Amado et al.)

Holographic Superfluids and the Landau Criterion    [PDF]

Irene Amado, Danieal Arean, Amadeo Jimenez-Alba, Karl Landsteiner, Luis Melgar, Ignacio Salazar Landea

1307.8106 (Itzhak Bars et al.)

Cyclic Cosmology, Conformal Symmetry and the Metastability of the Higgs    [PDF]

Itzhak Bars, Paul J. Steinhardt, Neil Turok