Thursday, August 1, 2013

1307.8395 (Guilherme França et al.)

Statistical and other properties of Riemann zeros based on an explicit
formula for the n-th zero

Guilherme França, André LeClair

1307.8348 (D. Momeni et al.)

Holographic superconductors with Weyl Corrections via gauge/gravity

D. Momeni, R. Myrzakulov, M. Raza

1307.8086 (Huan Yang et al.)

Quasinormal modes of nearly extremal Kerr spacetimes: spectrum
bifurcation and power-law ringdown

Huan Yang, Aaron Zimmerman, Anıl Zenginoğlu, Fan Zhang, Emanuele Berti, Yanbei Chen

1307.8114 (Solomon Endlich et al.)

The squeezed limit of the solid inflation three-point function    [PDF]

Solomon Endlich, Bart Horn, Alberto Nicolis, Junpu Wang

1307.8117 (Brian Swingle)

Entanglement does not generally decrease under renormalization    [PDF]

Brian Swingle

1307.8144 (Laura Sampson et al.)

A Rosetta Stone for Parameterized Tests of Gravity    [PDF]

Laura Sampson, Nicolas Yunes, Neil Cornish

1307.8149 (Ahmed Almheiri et al.)

An Uneventful Horizon in Two Dimensions    [PDF]

Ahmed Almheiri, James Sully

1307.8159 (Sean Stotyn et al.)

Numerical Boson Stars with a Single Killing Vector I: the $D\ge5$ Case    [PDF]

Sean Stotyn, C. Danielle Leonard, Marius Oltean, Laura J. Henderson, Robert B. Mann

1307.8174 (Naofumi Hama et al.)

AGT relation in the light asymptotic limit    [PDF]

Naofumi Hama, Kazuo Hosomichi

1307.8194 (Maissam Barkeshli)

Transitions Between Chiral Spin Liquids and Z2 Spin Liquids    [PDF]

Maissam Barkeshli

1307.8222 (W. -C. Syu et al.)

External magnetic fields and the chiral phase transition in QED at
nonzero chemical potential

W. -C. Syu, D. -S. Lee, C. N. Leung

1307.8260 (Marek Rogatko)

Uniqueness of charged static asymptotically flat black holes in
dynamical Chern-Simons gravity

Marek Rogatko

1307.8295 (Hadi Godazgar et al.)

Generalised geometry from the ground up    [PDF]

Hadi Godazgar, Mahdi Godazgar, Hermann Nicolai

1307.8299 (Joseph Ben Geloun)

On the finite amplitudes for open graphs in Abelian dynamical colored
Boulatov-Ooguri models

Joseph Ben Geloun

1307.8317 (D. G. Green et al.)

Dynamics of an electron in a high intensity laser field    [PDF]

D. G. Green, C. N. Harvey

1307.8323 (Masato Arai et al.)

A Thermal Field Theory with Non-uniform Chemical Potential    [PDF]

Masato Arai, Yoshishige Kobayashi, Shin Sasaki

1307.8329 (Denis Comelli et al.)

Cosmology in General Massive Gravity Theories    [PDF]

Denis Comelli, Fabrizio Nesti, Luigi Pilo

1307.8349 (A. Celi et al.)

Synthetic gauge fields in synthetic dimensions    [PDF]

A. Celi, P. Massignan, J. Ruseckas, N. Goldman, I. B. Spielman, G. Juzeliunas, M. Lewenstein

1307.8365 (Adriana Di Dato)

Kaluza-Klein reduction of relativistic fluids and their gravity duals    [PDF]

Adriana Di Dato

1307.8377 (Kanghoon Lee et al.)

Covariant action for a string in doubled yet gauged spacetime    [PDF]

Kanghoon Lee, Jeong-Hyuck Park