Monday, April 22, 2013

1304.4938 (Flavio S. Nogueira et al.)

Deconfined Quantum Criticality and Conformal Phase Transition in
Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnets

Flavio S. Nogueira, Asle Sudbo

1304.5239 (Douglas Spolyar et al.)

Topology and Dark Energy: Testing Gravity in Voids    [PDF]

Douglas Spolyar, Martin Sahlén, Joe Silk

1304.5276 (Ken-Ichi Aoki et al.)

Weak solution method of the non-perturbative renormalization group
equation to describe dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and its application
to beyond the ladder analysis in QCD

Ken-Ichi Aoki, Daisuke Sato

1304.5342 (Francis Brown et al.)

Modular forms in Quantum Field Theory    [PDF]

Francis Brown, Oliver Schnetz

1304.5386 (Hristu Culetu)

On a de Sitter-like spacetime with cylindrical symmetry    [PDF]

Hristu Culetu

1304.5430 (Manuel Hohmann)

Extensions of Lorentzian spacetime geometry: from Finsler to Cartan and
vice versa

Manuel Hohmann

1304.5433 (John Ellis et al.)

Environmental CPT Violation in an Expanding Universe in String Theory    [PDF]

John Ellis, Nick E. Mavromatos, Sarben Sarkar

1304.5445 (Eric A. Bergshoeff et al.)

New Massive Supergravity and Auxiliary Fields    [PDF]

Eric A. Bergshoeff, Marija Kovacevic, Lorena Parra, Jan Rosseel, Yihao Yin, Thomas Zojer

1304.5483 (Victor O. Rivelles)

Ambiguities in the Seiberg-Witten Map and Emergent Gravity    [PDF]

Victor O. Rivelles

1304.5484 (L. H. C. Borges et al.)

Generation of Axion-Like Couplings via Quantum Corrections in a Lorentz
Violating Background

L. H. C. Borges, A. G. Dias, A. F. Ferrari, J. R. Nascimento, A. Yu. Petrov

1304.5495 (F. Vega)

Harmonic and Dirac oscillators in a (2+1)-dimensional noncommutative

F. Vega

1304.5506 (Rafael Ferraro)

Two-dimensional solutions for Born-Infeld fields    [PDF]

Rafael Ferraro