Wednesday, May 1, 2013

1109.4834 (Hisham Sati)

Topological aspects of the partition function of the NS5-brane    [PDF]

Hisham Sati

1112.5303 (Cenke Xu et al.)

Nonperturbative effects of Topological Theta-term    [PDF]

Cenke Xu, Andreas W. W. Ludwig

1304.7772 (Maciej Dunajski et al.)

Self-Dual Conformal Gravity    [PDF]

Maciej Dunajski, Paul Tod

1304.7773 (Jay Armas)

How Fluids Bend: the Elastic Expansion for Higher-Dimensional Black

Jay Armas

1304.7774 (Julian Sonner)

On universality of charge transport in AdS/CFT    [PDF]

Julian Sonner

1304.7776 (Yegor Korovin et al.)

Lifshitz as a deformation of Anti-de Sitter    [PDF]

Yegor Korovin, Kostas Skenderis, Marika Taylor

1304.7785 (M. Biagetti et al.)

Symmetries of Vector Perturbations during the de Sitter Epoch    [PDF]

M. Biagetti, A. Kehagias, E. Morgante, H. Perrier, A. Riotto

1304.7794 (Oliver DeWolfe et al.)

Heavy ions and string theory    [PDF]

Oliver DeWolfe, Steven S. Gubser, Christopher Rosen, Derek Teaney

1304.7798 (Ron Donagi et al.)

Supermoduli Space Is Not Projected    [PDF]

Ron Donagi, Edward Witten

1304.7825 (F. W. V. Costa et al.)

Gauge vector field localization on 3-brane placed in a warped transverse
resolved conifold

F. W. V. Costa, J. E. G. Silva, C. A. S. Almeida

1304.7831 (Takao Suyama)

A Systematic Study on Matrix Models for Chern-Simons-matter Theories    [PDF]

Takao Suyama

1304.7866 (Bing-Ran He et al.)

Parity doubling structure of nucleon at non-zero density in the
holographic mean field theory

Bing-Ran He, Masayasu Harada

1304.7873 (Daniel Krefl et al.)

Refined Chern-Simons versus Vogel universality    [PDF]

Daniel Krefl, Albert Schwarz

1304.7885 (Yoshiharu Kawamura)

Tera Scale Remnants of Unification and Supersymmetry at Planck Scale    [PDF]

Yoshiharu Kawamura

1304.7904 (Matsuo Sato)

Four-Algebraic Extension of IIB Matrix Model    [PDF]

Matsuo Sato

1304.7912 (I. Ruo Berchera et al.)

Testing Quantum Gravity by Quantum Light    [PDF]

I. Ruo Berchera, I. P. Degiovanni, S. Olivares, M. Genovese

1304.7917 (Yoshiki Sato et al.)

Potential Analysis in Holographic Schwinger Effect    [PDF]

Yoshiki Sato, Kentaroh Yoshida

1304.7918 (Rutger H. Boels)

On the field theory expansion of superstring five point amplitudes    [PDF]

Rutger H. Boels

1304.7924 (Seoktae Koh et al.)

Cosmological Perturbations of a Quartet of Scalar Fields with a
Spatially Constant Gradient

Seoktae Koh, Seyen Kouwn, O-Kab Kwon, Phillial Oh

1304.7939 (Giacomo De Palma et al.)

A non-perturbative argument for the non-abelian Higgs mechanism    [PDF]

Giacomo De Palma, Franco Strocchi

1304.7941 (Ippei Fujisawa et al.)

Metric-Like Formalism for Matter Fields Coupled to 3D Higher Spin

Ippei Fujisawa, Ryuichi Nakayama

1304.7978 (Rafael I. Nepomechie et al.)

Algebraic Bethe ansatz for a singular solution    [PDF]

Rafael I. Nepomechie, Chunguang Wang

1304.7985 (John Cardy)

Some Results on Mutual Information of Disjoint Regions in Higher

John Cardy

1304.7987 (Tetsutaro Higaki et al.)

Moduli-Induced Axion Problem    [PDF]

Tetsutaro Higaki, Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi

1304.7988 (R. Manvelyan et al.)

On Higher Spin Symmetries in AdS_{5}    [PDF]

R. Manvelyan, K. Mkrtchyan, R. Mkrtchyan, S. Theisen

1304.8004 (Kenji Fukushima et al.)

Stabilizing Perturbative Yang-Mills Free Energy with Gribov Quantization    [PDF]

Kenji Fukushima, Nan Su

1304.8031 (Takahiro Nishinaka)

Wall-crossing, Toric divisor and Seiberg duality    [PDF]

Takahiro Nishinaka

1304.8041 (Stefano Orani et al.)

Supersymmetric hybrid inflation with a light scalar    [PDF]

Stefano Orani, Arttu Rajantie

1304.8050 (Ali H. Chamseddine et al.)

Beyond the Spectral Standard Model: Emergence of Pati-Salam Unification    [PDF]

Ali H. Chamseddine, Alain Connes, Walter D. van Suijlekom

1304.8079 (Pablo Bueno et al.)

Non-perturbative black holes in Type-IIA String Theory vs. the No-Hair

Pablo Bueno, C. S. Shahbazi

1304.8082 (Y. S. Akshay et al.)

Cubic interaction vertices in higher spin theories    [PDF]

Y. S. Akshay, Sudarshan Ananth