Wednesday, August 8, 2012

1007.1948 (H. Azri et al.)

Geometrical Origin of the Cosmological Constant    [PDF]

H. Azri, A. Bounames

1112.4284 (Rampei Kimura et al.)

Constraints on general second-order scalar-tensor models from
gravitational Cherenkov radiation

Rampei Kimura, Kazuhiro Yamamoto

1112.4967 (José Figueroa-O'Farrill)

Symmetric M-Theory Backgrounds    [PDF]

José Figueroa-O'Farrill

1208.1433 (Sumanta Chakraborty et al.)

Perihelion precession and bending of light near charged dilaton black

Sumanta Chakraborty, Soumitra Sengupta

1208.1262 (Davide Cassani et al.)

All homogeneous N=2 M-theory truncations with supersymmetric AdS4 vacua    [PDF]

Davide Cassani, Paul Koerber, Oscar Varela

1208.1307 (S. Deser et al.)

Partial Masslessness and Conformal Gravity    [PDF]

S. Deser, E. Joung, A. Waldron

1208.1335 (Jaume Garriga et al.)

Observer dependence of bubble nucleation and Schwinger pair production    [PDF]

Jaume Garriga, Sugumi Kanno, Misao Sasaki, Jiro Soda, Alexander Vilenkin

1208.1344 (Andrea De Simone et al.)

Cosmological Perturbations from the Standard Model Higgs    [PDF]

Andrea De Simone, Antonio Riotto

1208.1375 (T. Padmanabhan)

Structural Aspects Of Gravitational Dynamics And The Emergent
Perspective Of Gravity

T. Padmanabhan

1208.1393 (Bin Wu)

On holographic thermalization and gravitational collapse of massless
scalar fields

Bin Wu

1208.1403 (Anton Galajinsky et al.)

Dynamical realization of l-conformal Galilei algebra and oscillators    [PDF]

Anton Galajinsky, Ivan Masterov

1208.1404 (Yosuke Imamura et al.)

S^3/Z_n partition function and dualities    [PDF]

Yosuke Imamura, Daisuke Yokoyama

1208.1428 (Klaus Fredenhagen et al.)

Perturbative algebraic quantum field theory    [PDF]

Klaus Fredenhagen, Katarzyna Rejzner

1208.1437 (James Lucietti et al.)

Gravitational instability of an extreme Kerr black hole    [PDF]

James Lucietti, Harvey S. Reall

1208.1451 (D. Binosi et al.)

The all-order equation of the effective gluon mass    [PDF]

D. Binosi, D. Ibañez, J. Papavassiliou

1208.1463 (Martin Bojowald)

Loop quantum gravity as an effective theory    [PDF]

Martin Bojowald

1208.1481 (Nils Carqueville et al.)

Adjunctions and defects in Landau-Ginzburg models    [PDF]

Nils Carqueville, Daniel Murfet

1208.1494 (Aristomenis Donos et al.)

Supersymmetric quantum criticality supported by baryonic charges    [PDF]

Aristomenis Donos, Jerome P. Gauntlett

1208.1500 (David E. Evans et al.)

Near-group fusion categories and their doubles    [PDF]

David E. Evans, Terry Gannon

1208.1501 (I. Y. Park)

N^2 entropy of 4D N=4 SYM    [PDF]

I. Y. Park