Tuesday, January 22, 2013

1104.0887 (Mark G. Jackson et al.)

Model-Independent Signatures of New Physics in Slow-Roll Inflation    [PDF]

Mark G. Jackson, Koenraad Schalm

1111.1671 (Marcel Bischoff et al.)

Construction of wedge-local nets of observables through Longo-Witten
endomorphisms. II

Marcel Bischoff, Yoh Tanimoto

1301.4341 (Dirk Puetzfeld et al.)

Covariant equations of motion for test bodies in gravitational theories
with general nonminimal coupling

Dirk Puetzfeld, Yuri N. Obukhov

1301.4504 (Daniel Harlow et al.)

Quantum Computation vs. Firewalls    [PDF]

Daniel Harlow, Patrick Hayden

1301.4505 (Leonard Susskind)

Black Hole Complementarity and the Harlow-Hayden Conjecture    [PDF]

Leonard Susskind

1301.4548 (Kanehisa Takasaki)

Remarks on partition functions of topological string theory on
generalized conifolds

Kanehisa Takasaki

1301.4553 (Abhishek Majhi et al.)

Quantum Hairs and Isolated Horizon Entropy from Chern-Simons Theory    [PDF]

Abhishek Majhi, Parthasarathi Majumdar

1301.4569 (Sergei P. Maydanyuk et al.)

A fully quantum model of Big Bang    [PDF]

Sergei P. Maydanyuk, Antonino Del Popolo, Vladislav S. Olkhovsky

1301.4494 (John G. Wright et al.)

DiracQ: A Quantum Many-Body Physics Package    [PDF]

John G. Wright, B. Sriram Shastry

1301.4687 (Mairi Sakellariadou)

Noncommutative Spectral Geometry: A Short Review    [PDF]

Mairi Sakellariadou

1301.4699 (O. B. Zaslavskii)

High energy collisions of particles inside ergosphere: general approach    [PDF]

O. B. Zaslavskii

1301.4703 (Yi-Fu Cai et al.)

Anisotropy in a Nonsingular Bounce    [PDF]

Yi-Fu Cai, Robert Brandenberger, Patrick Peter

1301.4721 (Bin Zhu et al.)

Singlet-Assisted SUSY Breaking For SP(2N) Theoreis That S-Confines    [PDF]

Bin Zhu, Kun Meng, Ran Ding, Qiyi Li

1301.4746 (Gour Bhattacharya et al.)

On the self-interaction of dark energy in a ghost-condensate model    [PDF]

Gour Bhattacharya, Pradip Mukherjee, Anirban Saha

1301.4778 (Spiros Cotsakis)

Asymptotic Poincaré compactification and finite-time singularities    [PDF]

Spiros Cotsakis

1301.4785 (K. -I. Ishikawa et al.)

Conformal Theories with IR cutoff    [PDF]

K. -I. Ishikawa, Y. Iwasaki, Yu Nakayama, T. Yoshie

1301.4805 (Noriaki Ikeda et al.)

Canonical Functions in Graded Symplectic Geometries and AKSZ Sigma

Noriaki Ikeda, Xiaomeng Xu

1301.4815 (Davood Allahbakhshi et al.)

Probing Fractionalized Charges    [PDF]

Davood Allahbakhshi, Mohsen Alishahiha

1301.4837 (A. O. Barut et al.)

Radiation Reaction and the Electromagnetic Energy-Momentum of Moving
Relativistic Charged Membranes

A. O. Barut, M. Pavšič

1301.4842 (I. N. McArthur)

Goldstino superfields in AdS_4    [PDF]

I. N. McArthur

1301.4871 (Vincent Bouchard et al.)

Mirror symmetry for orbifold Hurwitz numbers    [PDF]

Vincent Bouchard, Daniel Hernandez Serrano, Xiaojun Liu, Motohico Mulase

1301.4879 (Ibrahim Burak Ilhan et al.)

Some Comments on Ghosts and Unitarity: The Pais-Uhlenbeck Oscillator

Ibrahim Burak Ilhan, Alex Kovner

1301.4915 (Celia Escamilla-Rivera)

The Closed String Tachyon and its relationship with the evolution of the

Celia Escamilla-Rivera

1301.4920 (Jeronimo Cortez et al.)

Massless scalar field in de Sitter spacetime: unitary quantum time

Jeronimo Cortez, Daniel Martin-de Blas, Guillermo A. Mena Marugan, Jose M. Velhinho

1301.4980 (Henry Lamm et al.)

Numerical Exploration of Soliton Creation    [PDF]

Henry Lamm, Tanmay Vachaspati