Friday, August 31, 2012

1208.5772 (Oscar J. C. Dias et al.)

On the Nonlinear Stability of Asymptotically Anti-de Sitter Solutions    [PDF]

Oscar J. C. Dias, Gary T. Horowitz, Don Marolf, Jorge E. Santos

1208.5838 (Amruta Sadhu et al.)

A naked singularity stable under scalar field perturbations    [PDF]

Amruta Sadhu, V. Suneeta

1208.6011 (Joseph Elliston et al.)

The inflationary bispectrum with curved field-space    [PDF]

Joseph Elliston, David Seery, Reza Tavakol

1208.6019 (Ergin Sezgin et al.)

Supersymmetric Higher Spin Theories    [PDF]

Ergin Sezgin, Per Sundell

1208.6021 (Andreas Sinner et al.)

Renormalized transport properties of randomly gapped 2D Dirac fermions    [PDF]

Andreas Sinner, Klaus Ziegler

1208.6023 (Mustafa Moumni et al.)

Relativistic Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom in Space-Time Non-Commutativity    [PDF]

Mustafa Moumni, Achor BenSlama, Slimane Zaim

1208.6035 (Vincent Bouchard et al.)

A generalized topological recursion for arbitrary ramification    [PDF]

Vincent Bouchard, Joel Hutchinson, Prachi Loliencar, Michael Meiers, Matthew Rupert

1208.6042 (Fabrizio Canfora et al.)

Exact meron Black Holes in four dimensional SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills

Fabrizio Canfora, Francisco Correa, Alex Giacomini, Julio Oliva

1208.6047 (T. R. S. Santos et al.)

Formal aspects of spin currents in material media    [PDF]

T. R. S. Santos, R. F. Sobreiro, V. J. Vasquez Otoya

1208.6066 (Luiz Antonio Barreiro et al.)

Revisiting the S-matrix approach to the open superstring low energy
effective lagrangian

Luiz Antonio Barreiro, Ricardo Medina

1208.6081 (Sriram Ganeshan et al.)

FQHE interferometers in strong tunneling regime. The role of compactness
of edge fields

Sriram Ganeshan, Alexander G. Abanov, Dmitri V. Averin

1208.6085 (Sangmo Cheon et al.)

Duality between N=5 and N=6 Chern-Simons matter theory    [PDF]

Sangmo Cheon, Dongmin Gang, Chiung Hwang, Satoshi Nagaoka, Jaemo Park

1208.6118 (M. N. Chernodub et al.)

Spontaneous electromagnetic superconductivity of vacuum induced by a
strong magnetic field: QCD and electroweak theory

M. N. Chernodub, J. Van Doorsselaere, H. Verschelde

1208.6136 (Stefan Fredenhagen et al.)

The geometry of the limit of N=2 minimal models    [PDF]

Stefan Fredenhagen, Cosimo Restuccia

1208.6141 (Matthias Plaschke)

Wedge Local Deformations of Charged Fields leading to Anyonic
Commutation Relations

Matthias Plaschke

1208.6153 (Sergio L. Cacciatori et al.)

Squaring the Magic    [PDF]

Sergio L. Cacciatori, Bianca L. Cerchiai, Alessio Marrani

1208.6197 (Mohsen Alishahiha et al.)

On Holography with Hyperscaling Violation    [PDF]

Mohsen Alishahiha, Hossein Yavartanoo

1208.6206 (Takayuki Baba et al.)

Energy from the gauge invariant observables    [PDF]

Takayuki Baba, Nobuyuki Ishibashi

1208.6216 (Valentin Bonzom)

Revisiting random tensor models at large N via the Schwinger-Dyson

Valentin Bonzom

1208.6219 (Masato Arai et al.)

Matter Fields and Non-Abelian Gauge Fields Localized on Walls    [PDF]

Masato Arai, Filip Blaschke, Minoru Eto, Norisuke Sakai

1208.6221 (Rajesh Kumar Gupta et al.)

All solutions of the localization equations for N=2 quantum black hole

Rajesh Kumar Gupta, Sameer Murthy

1208.6244 (Hans Jockers et al.)

Two-Sphere Partition Functions and Gromov-Witten Invariants    [PDF]

Hans Jockers, Vijay Kumar, Joshua M. Lapan, David R. Morrison, Mauricio Romo

1208.6250 (V. K. Dobrev)

Explicit Character Formulae for Positive Energy UIRs of D=4 Conformal

V. K. Dobrev

1208.6251 (Sharmila Gunasekaran et al.)

Extended phase space thermodynamics for charged and rotating black holes
and Born-Infeld vacuum polarization

Sharmila Gunasekaran, David Kubiznak, Robert B. Mann

1208.6287 (Theodore Erler)

The Identity String Field and the Sliver Frame Level Expansion    [PDF]

Theodore Erler