Friday, April 5, 2013

1112.5801 (I. V. Kanatchikov)

Precanonical Quantization and the Schrödinger Wave Functional

I. V. Kanatchikov

1304.0582 (William C. C. Lima et al.)

Awaking the vacuum with spheroidal shells    [PDF]

William C. C. Lima, Raissa F. P. Mendes, George E. A. Matsas, Daniel A. T. Vanzella

1304.1003 (H. Dieter Zeh)

The strange (hi)story of particles and waves    [PDF]

H. Dieter Zeh

1304.1155 (Dimitri P. Skliros et al.)

Duality and Decay of Macroscopic F-Strings    [PDF]

Dimitri P. Skliros, Edmund J. Copeland, Paul M. Saffin

1304.1156 (Sebastian Fischetti et al.)

Rotating Black Droplet    [PDF]

Sebastian Fischetti, Jorge E. Santos

1304.1160 (Paolo Pani et al.)

Gravito-Electromagnetic Perturbations of Kerr-Newman Black Holes:
Stability and Isospectrality in the Slow-Rotation Limit

Paolo Pani, Emanuele Berti, Leonardo Gualtieri

1304.1162 (Pau Figueras et al.)

CFT's in rotating black hole backgrounds    [PDF]

Pau Figueras, Saran Tunyasuvunakool

1304.1167 (Jared Greenwald et al.)

Gravitational collapse in Hořava-Lifshitz theory    [PDF]

Jared Greenwald, Jonatan Lenells, V. H. Satheeshkumar, Anzhong Wang

1304.1270 (David H. Lyth)

The CMB asymmetry from inflation    [PDF]

David H. Lyth

1304.1286 (Takashi Kameyama et al.)

String theories on warped AdS backgrounds and integrable deformations of
spin chains

Takashi Kameyama, Kentaroh Yoshida

1304.1339 (Roman Orus et al.)

Topological Order from Geometric Entanglement    [PDF]

Roman Orus, Tzu-Chieh Wei, Oliver Buerschaper, Maarten Van den Nest

1304.1366 (E. A. Ivanov et al.)

Bispinor Auxiliary Fields in Duality-Invariant Electrodynamics
Revisited: The U(N) Case

E. A. Ivanov, B. M. Zupnik

1304.1466 (Korkut Bardakci)

Scalar Field Theories On The World Sheet: Cutoff Independent Treatment    [PDF]

Korkut Bardakci

1304.1472 (David Geissbuhler et al.)

Exploring Double Field Theory    [PDF]

David Geissbuhler, Diego Marques, Carmen Nunez, Victor Penas

1304.1481 (Matteo Bertolini et al.)

Holographic R-symmetric flows and the τ_U conjecture    [PDF]

Matteo Bertolini, Lorenzo Di Pietro, Flavio Porri

1304.1486 (A. Anokhina et al.)

Colored HOMFLY polynomials as multiple sums over paths or standard Young

A. Anokhina, A. Mironov, A. Morozov, An. Morozov