Friday, November 9, 2012

0806.0024 (Tamar Friedmann)

Orbifold Singularities, Lie Algebras of the Third Kind (LATKes), and
Pure Yang-Mills with Matter

Tamar Friedmann

1211.1455 (Yusuke Yamada)

Instant uplifted inflation: A solution for a tension between inflation
and SUSY breaking scale

Yusuke Yamada

1211.1679 (Richard Brito)

Dynamics around black holes: Radiation Emission and Tidal Effects    [PDF]

Richard Brito

1211.1684 (T. Bauer et al.)

Complex-mass scheme and perturbative unitarity    [PDF]

T. Bauer, J. Gegelia, G. Japaridze, S. Scherer

1211.1685 (F. A. Brito et al.)

Domain wall description of superconductivity    [PDF]

F. A. Brito, M. L. F. Freire, J. C. M. Silva

1211.1707 (Sean Downes et al.)

Inflection Points and the Power Spectrum    [PDF]

Sean Downes, Bhaskar Dutta

1211.1726 (Nick E. Mavromatos et al.)

Stringy Models of Modified Gravity: Space-time defects and Structure

Nick E. Mavromatos, Mairi Sakellariadou, Muhammad Furqaan Yusaf

1211.1729 (Vijay Balasubramanian et al.)

Holographic interpretations of the renormalization group    [PDF]

Vijay Balasubramanian, Monica Guica, Albion Lawrence

1211.1741 (Wolfgang Bietenholz et al.)

40 Years of Calculus in 4 + epsilon Dimensions    [PDF]

Wolfgang Bietenholz, Lilian Prado

1211.1777 (Noriaki Kitazawa et al.)

Spontaneous Gauge Symmetry Breaking in a Non-Supersymmetric D-brane

Noriaki Kitazawa, Shutaro Kobayashi

1211.1798 (Takaaki Ishii et al.)

A ferromagnetic superconductor in holography    [PDF]

Takaaki Ishii, Sang-Jin Sin

1211.1803 (K. Splittorff)

Chiral Dynamics With Wilson Fermions    [PDF]

K. Splittorff

1211.1821 (Naser Ahmadiniaz et al.)

String-inspired representations of photon/gluon amplitudes    [PDF]

Naser Ahmadiniaz, Christian Schubert, Victor M. Villanueva

1211.1852 (Jorge Bellorín et al.)

Non-perturbative analysis of the gravitational energy in Hořava

Jorge Bellorín, Alvaro Restuccia, Adrián Sotomayor

1211.1866 (Guy Gur-Ari et al.)

Correlators of Large N Fermionic Chern-Simons Vector Models    [PDF]

Guy Gur-Ari, Ran Yacoby

1211.1884 (Riccardo Argurio et al.)

Field Theory Interpretation of N=2 Stringy Instantons    [PDF]

Riccardo Argurio, Davide Forcella, Alberto Mariotti, Daniele Musso, Christoffer Petersson

1211.1892 (Francesca Doddato et al.)

Dark Matter Gravitinos and Baryons via Q-ball decay in the
Gauge-Mediated MSSM

Francesca Doddato, John McDonald

1211.1931 (Yang-Hui He et al.)

Modular Subgroups, Dessins d'Enfants and Elliptic K3 Surfaces    [PDF]

Yang-Hui He, John McKay, James Read

1211.1942 (Walter H. Baron)

Strings and D-branes in curved space-time    [PDF]

Walter H. Baron

1211.1944 (Claude Roiesnel)

On the definition of the covariant lattice Dirac operator    [PDF]

Claude Roiesnel

1211.1952 (Olof Ohlsson Sax et al.)

On the massless modes of the AdS3/CFT2 integrable systems    [PDF]

Olof Ohlsson Sax, Bogdan Stefanski jr, Alessandro Torrielli

1211.1957 (Stefano Giusto et al.)

Perturbative superstrata    [PDF]

Stefano Giusto, Rodolfo Russo

1211.1966 (Alessandra Gnecchi et al.)

On the non-BPS first order flow in N=2 U(1)-gauged Supergravity    [PDF]

Alessandra Gnecchi, Chiara Toldo