Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1210.0019 (Steffen Gielen et al.)

Lifting General Relativity to Observer Space    [PDF]

Steffen Gielen, Derek K. Wise

1212.5653 (Mir Faizal et al.)

Finite BRST Transformations for the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavasson Theory    [PDF]

Mir Faizal, Bhabani P Mandal, Sudhaker Upadhyay

1303.1003 (Jutta Kunz et al.)

Gravitating vortons as ring solitons in general relativity    [PDF]

Jutta Kunz, Eugen Radu, Bintoro Subagyo

1304.0007 (Seungjoon Hyun et al.)

Aging Logarithmic Galilean Field Theories    [PDF]

Seungjoon Hyun, Jaehoon Jeong, Bom Soo Kim

1304.0009 (Adrienne L. Erickcek et al.)

Catastrophic Consequences of Kicking the Chameleon    [PDF]

Adrienne L. Erickcek, Neil Barnaby, Clare Burrage, Zhiqi Huang

1304.0014 (I. Y. Park)

ADM reduction of Einstein action and black hole entropy    [PDF]

I. Y. Park

1304.0022 (Michele Cicoli et al.)

D3/D7 Branes at Singularities: Constraints from Global Embedding and
Moduli Stabilisation

Michele Cicoli, Sven Krippendorf, Christoph Mayrhofer, Fernando Quevedo, Roberto Valandro

1304.0047 (Nikodem Poplawski)

Intrinsic spin requires gravity with torsion and curvature    [PDF]

Nikodem Poplawski

1304.0129 (Benjamin Withers)

Black branes dual to striped phases    [PDF]

Benjamin Withers

1304.0182 (Alexander A. Andrianov et al.)

CP violation in the models of fermion localization on a domain wall

Alexander A. Andrianov, Vladimir A. Andrianov, Oleg O. Novikov

1304.0209 (Yu Han et al.)

Connection Dynamics for Higher Dimensional Scalar-Tensor Theories of

Yu Han, Yongge Ma, Xiangdong Zhang

1304.0211 (Keisuke Izumi et al.)

An Analysis of Characteristics in Non-Linear Massive Gravity    [PDF]

Keisuke Izumi, Yen Chin Ong

1304.0220 (Yi Ling et al.)

A note on the emergence of cosmic space in modified gravities    [PDF]

Yi Ling, Wen-Jian Pan

1304.0234 (Arthemy V. Kiselev)

Towards an axiomatic noncommutative geometry of quantum space and time    [PDF]

Arthemy V. Kiselev

1304.0236 (Domenico Fiorenza et al.)

Higher geometric prequantum theory    [PDF]

Domenico Fiorenza, Christopher L. Rogers, Urs Schreiber

1304.0238 (Mikhail S. Volkov)

Self-accelerating cosmologies and hairy black holes in ghost-free
bigravity and massive gravity

Mikhail S. Volkov

1304.0258 (Kewang Jin)

Higher Spin Gravity and Exact Holography    [PDF]

Kewang Jin

1304.0259 (Mir Faizal)

Fourth Quantization    [PDF]

Mir Faizal

1304.0366 (Peng Huang et al.)

Stability of the holographic description of the Universe    [PDF]

Peng Huang, Yong-chang Huang

1304.0382 (Igor A. Bandos et al.)

Covariant action and equations of motion for the eleven dimensional
multiple M0-brane system

Igor A. Bandos, Carlos Meliveo

1304.0404 (Gianrocco Lazzari et al.)

Symmetry breaking in de Sitter: a stochastic effective theory approach    [PDF]

Gianrocco Lazzari, Tomislav Prokopec

1304.0410 (Murat Gunaydin et al.)

Nonassociativity, Malcev Algebras and String Theory    [PDF]

Murat Gunaydin, Djordje Minic

1304.0415 (Agostino Devastato et al.)

Grand Symmetry, Spectral Action, and the Higgs mass    [PDF]

Agostino Devastato, Fedele Lizzi, Pierre Martinetti

1304.0417 (Heikki Arponen)

Easy Holography    [PDF]

Heikki Arponen

1304.0429 (Thomas L Curtright et al.)

An Umbral Vade Mecum    [PDF]

Thomas L Curtright, Cosmas K Zachos

1304.0449 (A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu et al.)

Cosmological Perturbations in Extended Massive Gravity    [PDF]

A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Kurt Hinterbichler, Chunshan Lin, Shinji Mukohyama, Mark Trodden

1304.0448 (Yasunori Nomura et al.)

Low Energy Description of Quantum Gravity and Complementarity    [PDF]

Yasunori Nomura, Jaime Varela, Sean J. Weinberg

1304.0458 (Ashoke Sen)

S-duality Improved Superstring Perturbation Theory    [PDF]

Ashoke Sen

1304.0461 (Diana Battefeld et al.)

A Smooth Landscape: Ending Saddle Point Inflation Requires Features to
be Shallow

Diana Battefeld, Thorsten Battefeld

1304.0475 (Alejandro Cabo Montes de Oca)

On the metric of the space of states in a modified QCD    [PDF]

Alejandro Cabo Montes de Oca

1304.0484 (Antonio De Felice et al.)

On the cosmology of massive gravity    [PDF]

Antonio De Felice, A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Chunshan Lin, Shinji Mukohyama

1304.0511 (Dimitra Karabali et al.)

Diffractive Effects and General Boundary Conditions in Casimir Energy    [PDF]

Dimitra Karabali, V. P. Nair

1304.0529 (Shahar Hod)

Asymptotic spectrum of the oblate spin-weighted spheroidal harmonics: a
WKB analysis

Shahar Hod

1304.0533 (Hiroshi Suzuki)

Energy-momentum tensor from the Yang--Mills gradient flow    [PDF]

Hiroshi Suzuki

1304.0568 (Bin Zhou et al.)

Smooth U(1) Gauge Potentials on the de Sitter Spacetime    [PDF]

Bin Zhou, Shibei Kong, Peng Zhao, Ruixiao Zhang

1304.0599 (Yi Wang)

Position Space CMB Anomalies from Multi-Stream Inflation    [PDF]

Yi Wang

1304.0601 (Gianmassimo Tasinato et al.)

Exact Solutions in Massive Gravity    [PDF]

Gianmassimo Tasinato, Kazuya Koyama, Gustavo Niz

1304.0614 (Sergio Cecotti et al.)

The BPS spectrum of the 4d N=2 SCFT's H_1, H_2, D_4, E_6, E_7, E_8    [PDF]

Sergio Cecotti, Michele Del Zotto

1304.0623 (Takashi Hiramatsu et al.)

Instability of colliding metastable strings    [PDF]

Takashi Hiramatsu, Minoru Eto, Kohei Kamada, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Yutaka Ookouchi

1304.0723 (Guido D'Amico et al.)

On Cosmological Perturbations of Quasidilaton    [PDF]

Guido D'Amico, Gregory Gabadadze, Lam Hui, David Pirtskhalava