Wednesday, March 6, 2013

1008.3312 (Antonio Padilla et al.)

Bi-galileon theory II: phenomenology    [PDF]

Antonio Padilla, Paul M. Saffin, Shuang-Yong Zhou

1111.5349 (A. Alexandrov)

From Hurwitz numbers to Kontsevich-Witten tau-function: a connection by
Virasoro operators

A. Alexandrov

1303.0685 (Alex E. Bernardini et al.)

Probing phase-space noncommutativity through quantum beating, missing
information and the thermodynamic limit

Alex E. Bernardini, O. Bertolami

1303.0836 (Abhijit Gadde et al.)

New N=1 Dualities    [PDF]

Abhijit Gadde, Kazunobu Maruyoshi, Yuji Tachikawa, Wenbin Yan

1303.0841 (Iosif Bena et al.)

Almost BPS but still not renormalized    [PDF]

Iosif Bena, Andrea Puhm, Orestis Vasilakis, Nicholas P. Warner

1303.0847 (Thomas Creutzig et al.)

Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory: Beyond an Introduction    [PDF]

Thomas Creutzig, David Ridout

1303.0853 (J. Grover et al.)

Index Theory and Supersymmetry of 5D Horizons    [PDF]

J. Grover, J. B. Gutowski, G. Papadopoulos, W. A. Sabra

1303.0856 (Adam J Peterson)

Deformation of the O(3) sigma model leading to fixed size instantons    [PDF]

Adam J Peterson

1303.0869 (J. B. Gutowski et al.)

Index theory and dynamical symmetry enhancement of M-horizons    [PDF]

J. B. Gutowski, G. Papadopoulos

1303.0880 (Andrea Campoleoni et al.)

A note on conical solutions in 3D Vasiliev theory    [PDF]

Andrea Campoleoni, Tomas Prochazka, Joris Raeymaekers

1303.0993 (Yen Chin Ong et al.)

Problems with Propagation and Time Evolution in f(T) Gravity    [PDF]

Yen Chin Ong, Keisuke Izumi, James M. Nester, Pisin Chen

1303.0994 (Tajron Juric et al.)

K-Poincare-Hopf algebra and Hopf algebroid structure of phase space from

Tajron Juric, Stjepan Meljanac, Rina Strajn

1303.1013 (Hadi Godazgar et al.)

Testing the non-linear flux ansatz for maximal supergravity    [PDF]

Hadi Godazgar, Mahdi Godazgar, Hermann Nicolai

1303.1015 (A. Mironov et al.)

Genus expansion of HOMFLY polynomials    [PDF]

A. Mironov, A. Morozov, A. Sleptsov

1303.1037 (B. Hoare et al.)

On string theory on AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 with mixed 3-form flux: tree-level

B. Hoare, A. A. Tseytlin

1303.1068 (E. T. Akhmedov et al.)

Infrared dynamics of the massive $φ^4$ theory on de Sitter space    [PDF]

E. T. Akhmedov, F. K. Popov, V. M. Slepukhin

1303.1075 (Glenn Barnich et al.)

Dual dynamics of three dimensional asymptotically flat Einstein gravity
at null infinity

Glenn Barnich, Hernan Gonzalez

1303.1080 (Thomas Hartman et al.)

Time Evolution of Entanglement Entropy from Black Hole Interiors    [PDF]

Thomas Hartman, Juan Maldacena

1303.1096 (W. T. Cruz et al.)

Kalb-Ramond field localization on the Bloch brane    [PDF]

W. T. Cruz, R. V. Maluf, C. A. S. Almeida

1303.1102 (Mustafa A. Amin)

K-Oscillons: Oscillons with Non-Canonical Kinetic Terms    [PDF]

Mustafa A. Amin

1303.1108 (H. Belich et al.)

The photino sector and a confining potential in a supersymetric
Lorentz-symmetry-violating model

H. Belich, L. D. Bernald, Patricio Gaete, J. A. Helayël-Neto

1303.1111 (Matthijs Hogervorst et al.)

Radial Coordinates for Conformal Blocks    [PDF]

Matthijs Hogervorst, Slava Rychkov

1303.1113 (Victor Gurarie)

Logarithmic operators and logarithmic conformal field theories    [PDF]

Victor Gurarie

1303.1130 (Steven Delvaux et al.)

Universality and critical behavior in the chiral two-matrix model    [PDF]

Steven Delvaux, Dries Geudens, Lun Zhang

1303.1173 (I. E. Gulamov et al.)

Analytic Q-ball solutions and their stability in a piecewise parabolic

I. E. Gulamov, E. Ya. Nugaev, M. N. Smolyakov