Monday, June 10, 2013

1305.2403 (Edwin Beggs et al.)

Gravity induced from quantum spacetime    [PDF]

Edwin Beggs, Shahn Majid

1306.1295 (Yi Wang)

MathGR: a tensor and GR computation package to keep it simple    [PDF]

Yi Wang

1306.1532 (Ning Bao et al.)

Crystalline Scaling Geometries from Vortex Lattices    [PDF]

Ning Bao, Sarah Harrison

1306.1540 (Mehmet Ozkan et al.)

All Off-Shell R^2 Invariants in Five Dimensional N=2 Supergravity    [PDF]

Mehmet Ozkan, Yi Pang

1306.1543 (Shlomo S. Razamat et al.)

S-duality and the N=2 Lens Space Index    [PDF]

Shlomo S. Razamat, Masahito Yamazaki

1306.1546 (Benjamin Koch et al.)

Structural aspects of asymptotically safe black holes    [PDF]

Benjamin Koch, Frank Saueressig

1306.1576 (Samuel Colin et al.)

Instability of quantum equilibrium in Bohm's dynamics    [PDF]

Samuel Colin, Antony Valentini

1306.1579 (Samuel Colin et al.)

Mechanism for the suppression of quantum noise at large scales on
expanding space

Samuel Colin, Antony Valentini

1306.1597 (Alfredo Vega et al.)

Nucleon GPDs in a light-front quark model derived from soft-wall AdS/QCD    [PDF]

Alfredo Vega, Ivan Schmidt, Thomas Gutsche, Valery E. Lyubovitskij

1306.1623 (Sudipta Sarkar et al.)

A generalized second law at linear order for actions that are functions
of Lovelock densities

Sudipta Sarkar, Aron C. Wall

1306.1636 (Omer F. Dayi et al.)

The Effective field theory of 2+1 dimensional topological insulator in
the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction

Omer F. Dayi, Mahmut Elbistan

1306.1647 (Yu. B. Chernyakov et al.)

Semi-invariants and Integrals of Full Symmetric sl(n) Toda Lattice    [PDF]

Yu. B. Chernyakov, A. S. Sorin

1306.1694 (J. Bohá\{v}cik et al.)

The possibility of the non-perturbative an-harmonic correction to
Mehler's formula for propagator of the harmonic oscillator

J. Bohá\{v}cik, P. Pre\{v}snajder, P. August\'\{i}n

1306.1707 (Zoltan Kokenyesi et al.)

Refined Chern-Simons theory and (q,t)-deformed Yang-Mills theory:
Semi-classical expansion and planar limit

Zoltan Kokenyesi, Annamaria Sinkovics, Richard J. Szabo

1306.1734 (Yasuyuki Hatsuda et al.)

Non-perturbative effects and the refined topological string    [PDF]

Yasuyuki Hatsuda, Marcos Marino, Sanefumi Moriyama, Kazumi Okuyama

1306.1741 (Benjamin Basso et al.)

Bethe Ansaetze for GKP strings    [PDF]

Benjamin Basso, Adam Rej

1306.1742 (Junpeng Cao et al.)

Off-diagonal Bethe ansatz solution of the XXX spin-chain with arbitrary
boundary conditions

Junpeng Cao, Wenli Yang, Kangjie Shi, Yupeng Wang

1306.1745 (Stefano Giusto et al.)

6D microstate geometries from 10D structures    [PDF]

Stefano Giusto, Luca Martucci, Michela Petrini, Rodolfo Russo

1306.1760 (A. M. Ghezelbash et al.)

Supergravity Solutions of Two M2 Branes    [PDF]

A. M. Ghezelbash, R. Oraji

1306.1779 (Charles Doran et al.)

T-duality For Orientifolds and Twisted KR-theory    [PDF]

Charles Doran, Stefan Mendez-Diez, Jonathan Rosenberg

1306.1796 (Julen Ibañez-Azpiroz et al.)

Self-consistent tight-binding description of Dirac points moving and
merging in two dimensional optical lattices

Julen Ibañez-Azpiroz, Asier Eiguren, Aitor Bergara, Giulio Pettini, Michele Modugno