Friday, July 26, 2013

1305.1944 (Nikolay Gromov et al.)

Analytic Solution of Bremsstrahlung TBA II: Turning on the Sphere Angle    [PDF]

Nikolay Gromov, Fedor Levkovich-Maslyuk, Grigory Sizov

1307.3469 (Bert Schroer)

Interactions with quadratic dependence on string-localized massive
vectormesons: massive scalar quantum electrodynamics

Bert Schroer

1307.6562 (Daniel Friedan et al.)

Constraints on 2d CFT partition functions    [PDF]

Daniel Friedan, Christoph A. Keller

1307.6567 (Davide Cassani et al.)

Supersymmetry on curved spaces and superconformal anomalies    [PDF]

Davide Cassani, Dario Martelli

1307.6607 (Arnab Kundu et al.)

Steady-state Physics, Effective Temperature Dynamics in Holography    [PDF]

Arnab Kundu, Sandipan Kundu

1307.6612 (Francesco Fucito et al.)

Exact results in N=2 gauge theories    [PDF]

Francesco Fucito, Jose Francisco Morales, Rubik Poghossian, Daniel Ricci Pacifici

1307.6632 (Michikazu Kobayashi et al.)

Kelvin modes as Nambu-Goldstone modes along superfluid vortices and
relativistic strings: finite volume size effects

Michikazu Kobayashi, Muneto Nitta

1307.6636 (Hiroyuki Hata et al.)

Inversion Symmetry of Gravitational Coupling in Cubic String Field

Hiroyuki Hata, Toshiko Kojita

1307.6641 (Parinya Karndumri)

1/4-BPS Domain wall from N=10 three dimensional gauged supergravity    [PDF]

Parinya Karndumri

1307.6645 (Etsuko Itou)

A novel scheme for the wave function renormalization of the composite

Etsuko Itou

1307.6648 (M. Billó et al.)

Modular anomaly equation, heat kernel and S-duality in N=2 theories    [PDF]

M. Billó, M. Frau, L. Gallot, A. Lerda, I. Pesando

1307.6694 (Michael Tsamparlis et al.)

Conformally related metrics and Lagrangians and their physical
interpretation in cosmology

Michael Tsamparlis, Andronikos Paliathanasis, Spyros Basilakos, Salvatore Capozziello

1307.6725 (Thiago Prudêncio et al.)

Confinement and quantum anomaly in quasi-1D spinless fermion chains    [PDF]

Thiago Prudêncio, Álvaro Ferraz

1307.6800 (Keiju Murata et al.)

What happens at the horizon(s) of an extreme black hole?    [PDF]

Keiju Murata, Harvey S. Reall, Norihiro Tanahashi

1307.6816 (John D. Barrow et al.)

The General Dynamics of Varying-Alpha Universes    [PDF]

John D. Barrow, Alexander A. H. Graham

1307.6848 (Luis F. Alday et al.)

Localization on Three-Manifolds    [PDF]

Luis F. Alday, Dario Martelli, Paul Richmond, James Sparks

1307.6850 (Julian Sonner)

The ER = EPR conjecture and the Schwinger Effect    [PDF]

Julian Sonner

1307.6854 (Nikolay M. Nikolov et al.)

Renormalization of Massless Feynman Amplitudes in Configuration Space    [PDF]

Nikolay M. Nikolov, Raymond Stora, Ivan Todorov