Wednesday, September 12, 2012

1109.0169 (Pankaj Jain et al.)

Cosmological Implications of Unimodular Gravity    [PDF]

Pankaj Jain, Atul Jaiswal, Purnendu Karmakar, Gopal Kashyap, Naveen K. Singh

1110.0779 (MD Razikul Islam et al.)

Strongly-Coupled Quarks and Colorful Black Holes in AdS/CFT    [PDF]

MD Razikul Islam, Justin F. Vazquez-Poritz

1111.0213 (Mir Faizal)

M-Theory on Deformed Superspace    [PDF]

Mir Faizal

1209.2119 (Juan García-Bellido et al.)

Higgs-Dilaton cosmology: Are there extra relativistic species?    [PDF]

Juan García-Bellido, Javier Rubio, Mikhail Shaposhnikov

1209.2122 (Maximilian Stahlhofen)

NLL resummation for the static potential in N=4 SYM theory    [PDF]

Maximilian Stahlhofen

1209.2127 (Jay Armas et al.)

Black Branes as Piezoelectrics    [PDF]

Jay Armas, Jakob Gath, Niels A. Obers

1209.2148 (Romeo Brunetti et al.)

Algebraic Structure of Classical Field Theory I: Kinematics and
Linearized Dynamics for Real Scalar Fields

Romeo Brunetti, Klaus Fredenhagen, Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro

1209.2155 (D. L. Bennett et al.)

The relation between the model of a crystal with defects and Plebanski's
theory of gravity

D. L. Bennett, C. R. Das, L. V. Laperashvili, H. B. Nielsen

1209.2173 (Daniel Baumann et al.)

Stochastic Bias from Non-Gaussian Initial Conditions    [PDF]

Daniel Baumann, Simone Ferraro, Daniel Green, Kendrick M. Smith

1209.2199 (Edward Witten)

Notes On Supermanifolds and Integration    [PDF]

Edward Witten

1209.2242 (Jae-Hyuk Oh et al.)

Stochastic quantization and holographic Wilsonian renormalization group    [PDF]

Jae-Hyuk Oh, Dileep P. Jatkar

1209.2276 (D. Babusci et al.)

Dirac factorization and fractional calculus    [PDF]

D. Babusci, G. Dattoli, M. Quattromini, P. E. Ricci

1209.2277 (Ki-Young Choi et al.)

Can Standard Model Higgs Seed the Formation of Structures in Our

Ki-Young Choi, Qing-Guo Huang

1209.2299 (Andreas Ringwald)

Searching for axions and ALPs from string theory    [PDF]

Andreas Ringwald

1209.2318 (Martin A. Guest et al.)

Some tt* structures and their integral Stokes data    [PDF]

Martin A. Guest, Chang-Shou Lin

1209.2334 (Rafał R. Suszek)

Defects, dualities and the geometry of strings via gerbes II.
Generalised geometries with a twist, the gauge anomaly and the gauge-symmetry

Rafał R. Suszek

1209.2357 (Mir Faizal)

Deformed Super-Yang-Mills in Batalin-Vilkovisky Formalism    [PDF]

Mir Faizal

1209.2369 (H. P. de Oliveira et al.)

A Kolmogorov-Zakharov Spectrum in $AdS$ Gravitational Collapse    [PDF]

H. P. de Oliveira, Leopoldo A. Pando Zayas, E. L. Rodrigues

1209.2378 (Sanle Hu et al.)

Charged Boson Stars in AdS and a Zero Temperature Phase Transition    [PDF]

Sanle Hu, James T. Liu, Leopoldo A. Pando Zayas