Thursday, March 14, 2013

1102.1932 (A. Maleknejad et al.)

Non-Abelian Gauge Field Inflation    [PDF]

A. Maleknejad, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari

1303.2618 (Sébastien Renaux-Petel)

DBI Galileon in the Effective Field Theory of Inflation: Orthogonal
non-Gaussianities and constraints from the Trispectrum

Sébastien Renaux-Petel

1303.3006 (Silviu S. Pufu et al.)

Monopoles in 2+1-dimensional conformal field theories with global U(1)

Silviu S. Pufu, Subir Sachdev

1303.3008 (David J. E. Marsh et al.)

Axiverse cosmology and the energy scale of inflation    [PDF]

David J. E. Marsh, Daniel Grin, Renée Hlozek, Pedro G. Ferreira

1303.3015 (Rubik Poghossian)

Two Dimensional Renormalization Group Flows in Next to Leading Order    [PDF]

Rubik Poghossian

1303.3042 (H. Degueldre et al.)

One Loop Field Strengths of Charges and Dipoles on a Locally de Sitter

H. Degueldre, R. P. Woodard

1303.3050 (Joyce Byun et al.)

Non-Gaussian Shape Recognition    [PDF]

Joyce Byun, Rachel Bean

1303.3080 (Angel Ballesteros et al.)

Drinfel'd doubles for (2+1)-gravity    [PDF]

Angel Ballesteros, Francisco J. Herranz, Catherine Meusburger

1303.3097 (Sanjib Jana et al.)

A Kaluza-Klein Subttractor    [PDF]

Sanjib Jana, Chethan Krishnan

1303.3103 (Todor Milanov)

Analyticity of the total ancestor potential in singularity theory    [PDF]

Todor Milanov

1303.3119 (Dietmar Klemm et al.)

Supersymmetry of the C-metric and the general Plebanski-Demianski

Dietmar Klemm, Masato Nozawa

1303.3125 (Johan Bijnens et al.)

Leading logarithms in N-flavour mesonic Chiral Perturbation Theory    [PDF]

Johan Bijnens, Karol Kampf, Stefan Lanz

1303.3126 (I. T. Drummond)

Quantum Field Theory in a Multi-Metric Background    [PDF]

I. T. Drummond

1303.3137 (Michel Gaudin et al.)

Doubly elliptic strings on the (anti-)de Sitter manifold    [PDF]

Michel Gaudin, Ugo Moschella

1303.3138 (Alberto Alonso-Izquierdo et al.)

Gilkey-de Witt heat kernel expansion and zero modes    [PDF]

Alberto Alonso-Izquierdo, Juan Mateos-Guilarte

1303.3149 (Sergio Cecotti et al.)

More on the N=2 superconformal systems of type $D_p(G)$    [PDF]

Sergio Cecotti, Michele Del Zotto, Simone Giacomelli

1303.3150 (G. L. Alberghi et al.)

Charged Black Hole Remnants at the LHC    [PDF]

G. L. Alberghi, L. Bellagamba, X. Calmet, R. Casadio, O. Micu

1303.3185 (Valentina Baccetti et al.)

Clausius entropy for arbitrary bifurcate null surfaces    [PDF]

Valentina Baccetti, Matt Visser

1303.3186 (Maciej Maliborski et al.)

Time-periodic solutions in Einstein AdS - massless scalar field system    [PDF]

Maciej Maliborski, Andrzej Rostworowski

1303.3221 (Anne Taormina et al.)

A twist in the M24 moonshine story    [PDF]

Anne Taormina, Katrin Wendland

1303.3224 (Francisco G. Pedro et al.)

The Scale of Inflation in the Landscape    [PDF]

Francisco G. Pedro, Alexander Westphal

1303.3237 (Péter Forgács et al.)

Plane waves as tractor beams    [PDF]

Péter Forgács, Árpád Lukács, Tomasz Romańczukiewicz

1303.3242 (Mario Kieburg et al.)

Random Matrix Models for the Hermitian Wilson-Dirac operator of QCD-like

Mario Kieburg, Jacobus J. M. Verbaarschot, Savvas Zafeiropoulos

1303.3243 (D. G. C. McKeon)

Supersymmetric Models on AdS3 and AdS4 Embedding Superspaces    [PDF]

D. G. C. McKeon

1303.3246 (David Garner et al.)

Holographic Hierarchy in the Gaussian Matrix Model via the Fuzzy Sphere    [PDF]

David Garner, Sanjaye Ramgoolam

1303.3253 (Maxim Kontsevich et al.)

Wall-crossing structures in Donaldson-Thomas invariants, integrable
systems and Mirror Symmetry

Maxim Kontsevich, Yan Soibelman

1303.3258 (J. Blåbäck et al.)

Power-law cosmologies in minimal and maximal gauged supergravity    [PDF]

J. Blåbäck, A. Borghese, S. S. Haque