Thursday, July 4, 2013

0906.0005 (Adrian C. Ottewill et al.)

Transport Equation Approach to Calculations of Hadamard Green functions
and non-coincident DeWitt coefficients

Adrian C. Ottewill, Barry Wardell

1106.5710 (Giulia Gubitosi et al.)

Relative Locality in $κ$-Poincaré    [PDF]

Giulia Gubitosi, Flavio Mercati

1109.1415 (Masato Minamitsuji et al.)

Dynamics of partially localized brane systems    [PDF]

Masato Minamitsuji, Kunihito Uzawa

1302.1177 (H. Mohseni Sadjadi et al.)

Reheating temperature in non-minimal derivative coupling model    [PDF]

H. Mohseni Sadjadi, Parviz Goodarzi

1304.2933 (Flavio S. Nogueira et al.)

Semi-metal-insulator transition on the surface of a topological
insulator with in-plane magnetization

Flavio S. Nogueira, Ilya Eremin

1307.0752 (Salvatore Capozziello et al.)

Galactic rotation curves in hybrid metric-Palatini gravity    [PDF]

Salvatore Capozziello, Tiberiu Harko, Tomi S. Koivisto, Francisco S. N. Lobo, Gonzalo J. Olmo

1307.0504 (Jay Armas et al.)

Electroelasticity of Charged Black Branes    [PDF]

Jay Armas, Jakob Gath, Niels A. Obers

1307.0503 (Paolo Creminelli et al.)

The Physical Squeezed Limit: Consistency Relations at Order q^2    [PDF]

Paolo Creminelli, Ashley Perko, Leonardo Senatore, Marko Simonović, Gabriele Trevisan

1307.0509 (Olaf Hohm et al.)

U-duality covariant gravity    [PDF]

Olaf Hohm, Henning Samtleben

1307.0511 (Ofer Aharony et al.)

3d dualities from 4d dualities for orthogonal groups    [PDF]

Ofer Aharony, Shlomo S. Razamat, Nathan Seiberg, Brian Willett

1307.0517 (Alberto Nicolis et al.)

Relativistic Fluids, Superfluids, Solids and Supersolids from a Coset

Alberto Nicolis, Riccardo Penco, Rachel A. Rosen

1307.0530 (Marcelo Gleiser et al.)

Information-Entropic Stability Bound for Compact Objects: Application to
Q-Balls and the Chandrasekhar Limit of Polytropes

Marcelo Gleiser, Damian Sowinski

1307.0540 (Francisco Pena-Benitez)

Anomaly induced transport coefficients, from weak to strong coupling    [PDF]

Francisco Pena-Benitez

1307.0590 (Sang Pyo Kim)

Geometric Origin of Stokes Phenomenon for de Sitter Radiation    [PDF]

Sang Pyo Kim

1307.0682 (Vanik E. Mkrtchian et al.)

On non-equilibrium photon distributions in the Casimir effect    [PDF]

Vanik E. Mkrtchian, Carsten Henkel

1307.0696 (Luis Alvarez-Gaume et al.)

Initial conditions for inflation and the energy scale of SUSY-breaking
from the (nearly) gaussian sky

Luis Alvarez-Gaume, Cesar Gomez, Raul Jimenez

1307.0705 (Roberto Pittau)

QCD corrections to H -> gg in FDR    [PDF]

Roberto Pittau

1307.0708 (Fedor Bezrukov)

The Higgs field as an inflaton    [PDF]

Fedor Bezrukov

1307.0722 (C. Wetterich)

Linear lattice gauge theory    [PDF]

C. Wetterich

1307.0727 (C. D. Fosco et al.)

Quantum dissipative effects in graphene-like mirrors    [PDF]

C. D. Fosco, F. C. Lombardo, F. D. Mazzitelli, M. L. Remaggi

1307.0740 (Alberto Alonso-Izquierdo et al.)

Quantum-induced interactions in the moduli space of degenerate BPS
domain walls

Alberto Alonso-Izquierdo, Juan Mateos Guilarte

1307.0745 (Giovanni Amelino-Camelia et al.)

Rainbow gravity and scale-invariant fluctuations    [PDF]

Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Michele Arzano, Giulia Gubitosi, Joao Magueijo

1307.0765 (S. Nagy et al.)

Critical exponents in quantum Einstein gravity    [PDF]

S. Nagy, B. Fazekas, L. Juhasz, K. Sailer

1307.0773 (N. Nemkov)

S-duality as Fourier transform for arbitrary $\e_1,\e_2$    [PDF]

N. Nemkov

1307.0786 (Marco Bianchi et al.)

The 1/2 BPS Wilson loop in ABJ(M) at two loops: The details    [PDF]

Marco Bianchi, Gaston Giribet, Matias Leoni, Silvia Penati

1307.0787 (Luca Griguolo et al.)

Perturbative evaluation of circular 1/2 BPS Wilson loops in N = 6 Super
Chern-Simons theories

Luca Griguolo, Gabriele Martelloni, Matteo Poggi, Domenico Seminara

1307.0808 (Mohammad Edalati et al.)

Aspects of Current Correlators in Holographic Theories with Hyperscaling

Mohammad Edalati, Juan F. Pedraza

1307.0809 (Tatsuo Azeyanagi et al.)

A new look at instantons and large-N limit    [PDF]

Tatsuo Azeyanagi, Masanori Hanada, Masazumi Honda, Yoshinori Matsuo, Shotaro Shiba

1307.0834 (Horacio E. Camblong et al.)

Multichannel Framework for Singular Quantum Mechanics    [PDF]

Horacio E. Camblong, Luis N. Epele, Huner Fanchiotti, Carlos A. Garcia Canal, Carlos R. Ordonez

1307.0910 (Satoru Odake et al.)

Non-polynomial extensions of solvable potentials a la Abraham-Moses    [PDF]

Satoru Odake, Ryu Sasaki

1307.0989 (Indrajit Mitra et al.)

Dreibein (and metric) as prepotential for Yang-Mills theory    [PDF]

Indrajit Mitra, H. S. Sharatchandra

1307.0994 (Siu Fai Hsu)

't Hooft-Polyakov monopole of higher generalized angular momenta    [PDF]

Siu Fai Hsu

1307.0999 (Cezar Condeescu et al.)

Gauged supergravities and non-geometric Q/R-fluxes from asymmetric
orbifold CFT's

Cezar Condeescu, Ioannis Florakis, Costas Kounnas, Dieter Lust

1307.1035 (L. S. Grigorio et al.)

The Chern-Simons term in a dual Josephson junction    [PDF]

L. S. Grigorio, M. S. Guimaraes, R. Rougemont, C. Wotzasek, C. A. D. Zarro

1307.1041 (M. Akyol et al.)

Brane solitons of (1,0) superconformal theories in six dimensions with

M. Akyol, G. Papadopoulos

1307.1107 (E. A. Gallegos et al.)

Some Generalizations in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and the
Supersymmetric $\varepsilon$-System Revisited

E. A. Gallegos, A. J. da Silva, D. Spehler

1307.1109 (D. Dalmazi)

A note on the nonuniqueness of the massive Fierz-Pauli theory and
spectator fields

D. Dalmazi