Friday, April 20, 2012

1102.2107 (L. Ortíz)

Thermal state on a cylindrical spacetime    [PDF]

L. Ortíz

1106.1353 (Carlos Falquez et al.)

Charge-density waves in deconfining SU(2) Yang-Mills thermodynamics    [PDF]

Carlos Falquez, Ralf Hofmann, Tilo Baumbach

1108.0220 (Huiquan Li)

AdS segment and hidden conformal symmetry in general non-extremal black

Huiquan Li

1109.1410 (Marius de Leeuw et al.)

The Bound State S-matrix of the Deformed Hubbard Chain    [PDF]

Marius de Leeuw, Takuya Matsumoto, Vidas Regelskis

1109.6376 (V. P. Nair)

The Quantum Effective Action, Wave Functions and Yang-Mills (2+1)    [PDF]

V. P. Nair

1111.1552 (R. Pandharipande et al.)

13/2 ways of counting curves    [PDF]

R. Pandharipande, R. P. Thomas

1201.1127 (Paolo Rossi)

Nijenhuis operator in contact homology and descendant recursion in
symplectic field theory

Paolo Rossi

1204.3906 (Amol Upadhye et al.)

Quantum Stability of Chameleon Field Theories    [PDF]

Amol Upadhye, Wayne Hu, Justin Khoury

1204.4006 (Bulat Suleimanov)

"Quantization" of higher hamiltonian analogues of the Painleve I and
Painleve II equations with two degrees of freedom

Bulat Suleimanov

1204.4189 (Antonio M. García-García et al.)

Holographic Description of Finite Size Effects in Strongly Coupled

Antonio M. García-García, Jorge E. Santos, Benson Way

1204.4192 (Simeon Hellerman et al.)

The Omega Deformation From String and M-Theory    [PDF]

Simeon Hellerman, Domenico Orlando, Susanne Reffert

1204.4195 (William D. Linch III et al.)

Six-dimensional Supergravity and Projective Superfields    [PDF]

William D. Linch III, Gabriele Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli

1204.4207 (Valentin Assassi et al.)

On Soft Limits of Inflationary Correlation Functions    [PDF]

Valentin Assassi, Daniel Baumann, Daniel Green

1204.4208 (Rutger H. Boels)

Maximal R-symmetry violating amplitudes in type IIB superstring theory    [PDF]

Rutger H. Boels

1204.4222 (Niall T. Macpherson)

The Holographic Dual of 2+1 Dimensional QFTs with N=1 SUSY and Massive
Fundamental Flavours

Niall T. Macpherson

1204.4225 (Diego Gonzalez et al.)

Gauge and spacetime connections in the Plebanski formulation of complex
general relativity

Diego Gonzalez, Merced Montesinos, Mercedes Velazquez

1204.4241 (Jonathan Ganc et al.)

Scale-dependent bias of galaxies and mu-type distortion of the cosmic
microwave background spectrum from single-field inflation with a modified
initial state

Jonathan Ganc, Eiichiro Komatsu

1204.4272 (A. I. Machavariani)

Conformal transformations and doubling of the particle states    [PDF]

A. I. Machavariani

1204.4280 (Winston J. Fairbairn et al.)

Crochets de Poisson, theories de jauge et quantification    [PDF]

Winston J. Fairbairn, Catherine Meusburger

1204.4325 (Angelo Bassi et al.)

Models of Wave-function Collapse, Underlying Theories, and Experimental

Angelo Bassi, Kinjalk Lochan, Seema Satin, Tejinder P. Singh, Hendrik Ulbricht

1204.4340 (Emanuele Berti et al.)

Light scalar field constraints from gravitational-wave observations of
compact binaries

Emanuele Berti, Leonardo Gualtieri, Michael Horbatsch, Justin Alsing

1204.4369 (Tim Adamo et al.)

Moduli stacks of maps for supermanifolds    [PDF]

Tim Adamo, Michael Groechenig

1204.4391 (Keith A. Olive et al.)

Where are the Walls?    [PDF]

Keith A. Olive, Marco Peloso, Adam J. Peterson

1204.4406 (Till Bargheer et al.)

Conformal Anomaly for Amplitudes in N=6 Superconformal Chern-Simons

Till Bargheer, Niklas Beisert, Florian Loebbert, Tristan McLoughlin

1204.4407 (Marco S. Bianchi et al.)

One Loop Amplitudes In ABJM    [PDF]

Marco S. Bianchi, Matias Leoni, Andrea Mauri, Silvia Penati, Alberto Santambrogio