Wednesday, August 22, 2012

1105.0612 (Wissam Chemissany et al.)

From D3-Branes to Lifshitz Space-Times    [PDF]

Wissam Chemissany, Jelle Hartong

1108.1547 (S. Gupta et al.)

Nilpotent symmetries in the Jackiw-Pi model of 3D massive non-Abelian
theory: superfield approach

S. Gupta, R. Kumar, R. P. Malik

1108.4562 (Arash Ranjbar et al.)

Asymptotically Lifshitz Brane-World Black Holes    [PDF]

Arash Ranjbar, Hamid Reza Sepangi, Shahab Shahidi

1208.4102 (Aristomenis Donos et al.)

Universal linear in temperature resistivity from black hole

Aristomenis Donos, Sean A. Hartnoll

1208.4163 (Stephen A. Appleby et al.)

Fab 5: Noncanonical Kinetic Gravity, Self Tuning, and Cosmic

Stephen A. Appleby, Antonio De Felice, Eric V. Linder

1208.4234 (A. Alexandradinata et al.)

Wilson-Loop Characterization of Inversion-Symmetric Topological

A. Alexandradinata, Xi Dai, B. Andrei Bernevig

1208.4262 (E. H Saidi et al.)

Topological Aspects of Fermions on Hyperdiamond    [PDF]

E. H Saidi, O. Fassi-Fehri, M. Bousmina

1208.4276 (Sam Bartrum et al.)

Gravitino cosmology in supersymmetric warm inflation    [PDF]

Sam Bartrum, Arjun Berera, Joao G. Rosa

1208.4277 (Sebastien Clesse et al.)

Background reionization history from omniscopes    [PDF]

Sebastien Clesse, Laura Lopez-Honorez, Christophe Ringeval, Hiroyuki Tashiro, Michel Tytgat

1208.4299 (Erez Zohar et al.)

Simulating 2+1d Lattice QED with dynamical matter using ultracold atoms    [PDF]

Erez Zohar, J. Ignacio Cirac, Benni Reznik

1208.4302 (Thomas Mohaupt et al.)

Non-extremal black holes from the generalised r-map    [PDF]

Thomas Mohaupt, Owen Vaughan

1208.4304 (Ya. Azimov)

What is the real meaning of the Froissart theorem ?    [PDF]

Ya. Azimov