Tuesday, April 3, 2012

1012.4495 (Hisham Sati)

Duality and cohomology in M-theory with boundary    [PDF]

Hisham Sati

1104.3415 (Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard et al.)

Exponential Renormalization II: Bogoliubov's R-operation and momentum
subtraction schemes

Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard, Frederic Patras

1106.5792 (E. Dudas et al.)

On non-universal Goldstino couplings to matter    [PDF]

E. Dudas, G. von Gersdorff, D. M. Ghilencea, S. Lavignac, J. Parmentier

1108.0644 (Susanne Reffert)

General Omega Deformations from Closed String Backgrounds    [PDF]

Susanne Reffert

1108.6023 (Bogdan Damski et al.)

On the quantum Coulomb field    [PDF]

Bogdan Damski, Piotr Marecki

1109.3981 (Gaurav Narain et al.)

Short Distance Freedom of Quantum Gravity    [PDF]

Gaurav Narain, Ramesh Anishetty

1111.2811 (J. Dubail et al.)

Real-space entanglement spectrum of quantum Hall systems    [PDF]

J. Dubail, N. Read, E. H. Rezayi

1111.4951 (R. Horvat et al.)

Neutrino propagation in noncommutative spacetimes    [PDF]

R. Horvat, A. Ilakovac, P. Schupp, J. Trampetic, J. You

1111.6266 (Cresus F. L. Godinho et al.)

Extending the D'Alembert Solution to Space-Time Modified
Riemann-Liouville Fractional Wave Equations

Cresus F. L. Godinho, J. Weberszpil, J. A. Helayƫl-Neto

1111.6628 (Davide Astolfi et al.)

Strings in AdS_4 x CP^3: finite size spectrum vs. Bethe Ansatz    [PDF]

Davide Astolfi, Gianluca Grignani, Enrico Ser-Giacomi, A. V. Zayakin

1111.6709 (Katsushi Ito et al.)

N=4 Instanton Calculus in Omega and R-R Backgrounds    [PDF]

Katsushi Ito, Hiroaki Nakajima, Takuya Saka, Shin Sasaki

1112.1082 (Federico Bonetti et al.)

Six-dimensional (1,0) effective action of F-theory via M-theory on
Calabi-Yau threefolds

Federico Bonetti, Thomas W. Grimm

1112.1786 (Vladimir Folomeev et al.)

Relativistic polytropic spheres embedded in a chameleon scalar field    [PDF]

Vladimir Folomeev, Douglas Singleton

1112.2345 (Bartomeu Fiol et al.)

Gluonic fields of a static particle to all orders in 1/N    [PDF]

Bartomeu Fiol, Blai Garolera, Aitor Lewkowycz

1112.5781 (A. Shirzad et al.)

Symplectic Quantization of Massive Bosonic string in background B-field    [PDF]

A. Shirzad, A. Bakhshi, Y. Koohsarian