Thursday, August 23, 2012

1003.4969 (Han-Ying Guo et al.)

PoincarĂ©-De Sitter Flow and Cosmological Meaning    [PDF]

Han-Ying Guo, Hong-Tu Wu, YU Yue

1102.4632 (Glenn Barnich et al.)

Supertranslations call for superrotations    [PDF]

Glenn Barnich, CĂ©dric Troessaert

1109.3844 (Zachary Slepian et al.)

Ruling Out Bosonic Repulsive Dark Matter in Thermal Equilibrium    [PDF]

Zachary Slepian, Jeremy Goodman

1208.3168 (F. R. Klinkhamer)

Gravity Without Curved Spacetime: A Simple Calculation    [PDF]

F. R. Klinkhamer

1208.4533 (Hitoshi Nishino et al.)

Self-Dual Yang-Mills and Vector-Spinor Fields, Nilpotent Fermionic
Symmetry, and Supersymmetric Integrable Systems

Hitoshi Nishino, Subhash Rajpoot

1208.4253 (Michael Benzke et al.)

Gauge invariant definition of the jet quenching parameter    [PDF]

Michael Benzke, Nora Brambilla, Miguel Angel Escobedo, Antonio Vairo

1208.4371 (Glenn Barnich)

Entropy of three-dimensional asymptotically flat cosmological solutions    [PDF]

Glenn Barnich

1208.4372 (Arjun Bagchi et al.)

Holography of 3d Flat Cosmological Horizons    [PDF]

Arjun Bagchi, Stephane Detournay, Reza Fareghbal, Joan Simon

1208.4378 (F. N. Fagundes et al.)

Neumann boundary conditions inhibiting the SSB in the Coleman-Weinberg

F. N. Fagundes, R. O. Francisco, B. B. Dilem, J. A. Nogueira

1208.4413 (Bin Chen et al.)

Holographic Descriptions of Black Rings    [PDF]

Bin Chen, Jia-ju Zhang

1208.4432 (Motoi Endo et al.)

Scalar Decay into Gravitinos in the Presence of D-term SUSY Breaking    [PDF]

Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Takahiro Terada

1208.4433 (Sayantan Choudhury et al.)

DBI Galileon inflation in background SUGRA    [PDF]

Sayantan Choudhury, Supratik Pal

1208.4438 (Subir Ghosh)

Emergent Discrete Space in a Generic Lifshitz Model    [PDF]

Subir Ghosh

1208.4440 (Takashi Tamaki et al.)

Unified pictures of Q-balls and Q-tubes    [PDF]

Takashi Tamaki, Nobuyuki Sakai

1208.4442 (Henrik Aratyn et al.)

Bäcklund transformations for certain rational solutions of Painlevé

Henrik Aratyn, Johan van de Leur

1208.4448 (Francisco Correa et al.)

Spectral singularities in PT-symmetric periodic finite-gap systems    [PDF]

Francisco Correa, Mikhail S. Plyushchay

1208.4459 (Mohammad R. Garousi)

T-duality of the Riemann curvature corrections to supergravity    [PDF]

Mohammad R. Garousi

1208.4493 (Cedric Deffayet et al.)

A note on "symmetric" vielbeins in bimetric, massive, perturbative and
non perturbative gravities

Cedric Deffayet, Jihad Mourad, George Zahariade

1208.4495 (Luca Fabbri)

A Torsional Model of Leptons    [PDF]

Luca Fabbri

1208.4497 (Kanehisa Takasaki)

Integrable structure of modified melting crystal model    [PDF]

Kanehisa Takasaki

1208.4509 (Yongjoon Kwon et al.)

Extremal Black Holes and Holographic C-Theorem    [PDF]

Yongjoon Kwon, Soonkeon Nam, Jong-Dae Park, Sang-Heon Yi

1208.4523 (Konstantin Y. Bliokh et al.)

Dual electromagnetism: Helicity, spin, momentum, and angular momentum    [PDF]

Konstantin Y. Bliokh, Aleksandr Y. Bekshaev, Franco Nori

1208.4547 (Francis Bursa et al.)

SO(2N) and SU(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions    [PDF]

Francis Bursa, Richard Lau, Michael Teper

1208.4548 (J. Caetano et al.)

χ-Systems for Correlation Functions    [PDF]

J. Caetano, J. Toledo

1208.4577 (BingKan Xue)

The four fixed points of scale invariant single field cosmological

BingKan Xue

1208.4582 (James Alsup et al.)

FFLO States in Holographic Superconductors    [PDF]

James Alsup, Eleftherios Papantonopoulos, George Siopsis

1208.4595 (M. Shifman et al.)

A Remark on Supersymmetric Bubbles and Spectrum Crossover    [PDF]

M. Shifman, M. Voloshin