Thursday, April 18, 2013

0910.3661 (Gabriel Di Lemos Santiago Lima et al.)

Edge modes in the fractional quantum Hall effect without extra edge

Gabriel Di Lemos Santiago Lima, Sebastiao Alves Dias

1101.2843 (Masud Chaichian et al.)

Arnowitt-Deser-Misner representation and Hamiltonian analysis of
covariant renormalizable gravity

Masud Chaichian, Markku Oksanen, Anca Tureanu

1209.3823 (Zohar Nussinov et al.)

A dynamical relation between dual finite temperature classical and zero
temperature quantum systems: quantum critical jamming and quantum dynamical

Zohar Nussinov, Patrick Johnson, Matthias J. Graf, Alexander V. Balatsky

1304.3920 (Antonio De Felice et al.)

Possible existence of viable models of bi-gravity with detectable
graviton oscillations by gravitational wave detectors

Antonio De Felice, Takashi Nakamura, Takahiro Tanaka

1304.4167 (Donatello Dolce)

Intrinsic periodicity: the forgotten lesson of quantum mechanics    [PDF]

Donatello Dolce

1304.4358 (Nan Li et al.)

Reexamination of inflation in noncommutative space-time after Planck

Nan Li, Xin Zhang

1304.4375 (Mattia Cipriani et al.)

Vortex lattices in three-component Bose-Einstein condensates under
rotation: simulating colorful vortex lattices in a color superconductor

Mattia Cipriani, Muneto Nitta

1304.4606 (E. V. Gorbar et al.)

Radiative corrections to chiral separation effect in QED    [PDF]

E. V. Gorbar, V. A. Miransky, I. A. Shovkovy, Xinyang Wang

1304.4616 (Stefanos Aretakis)

Nonlinear instability of scalar fields on extremal black holes    [PDF]

Stefanos Aretakis

1304.4675 (J. B. Fonseca-Neto et al.)

Gödel-type universes and chronology protection in
Hořava-Lifshitz gravity

J. B. Fonseca-Neto, A. Yu. Petrov, M. J. Reboucas

1304.4678 (E. T. Tomboulis)

Chiral symmetry restoration at large chemical potential in strongly
coupled SU(N) gauge theories

E. T. Tomboulis

1304.4683 (Shahar Hod)

Black-hole perturbation theory: The asymptotic spectrum of the prolate
spin-weighted spheroidal harmonics

Shahar Hod

1304.4737 (Michikazu Kobayashi et al.)

Toroidal domain walls as Hopfions    [PDF]

Michikazu Kobayashi, Muneto Nitta

1304.4777 (Alessandro Codello et al.)

Consistent closure of RG flow equations in quantum gravity    [PDF]

Alessandro Codello, Giulio D'Odorico, Carlo Pagani

1304.4780 (Hui Li et al.)

Thermodynamics of the apparent horizon in massive cosmology    [PDF]

Hui Li, Yi Zhang

1304.4794 (L. D. Sperança)

An Identification of the Dirac Operator with the Parity Operator    [PDF]

L. D. Sperança

1304.4796 (Matsuo Sato)

Extension of IIB Matrix Model by Three-Algebra    [PDF]

Matsuo Sato

1304.4802 (Francesco Bigazzi et al.)

Charged D3-D7 plasmas: novel solutions, extremality and stability issues    [PDF]

Francesco Bigazzi, Aldo L. Cotrone, Javier Tarrio

1304.4820 (H. Belich et al.)

An investigation of the $K_{F}$-type Lorentz-Symmetry Breaking Gauge
Models with Vortex-like Configurations

H. Belich, F. J. L. Leal, H. L. C. Louzada, M. T. D. Orlando

1304.4830 (K. Bakke et al.)

Relativistic Landau-He-McKellar-Wilkens quantization and relativistic
bound states solutions for a Coulomb-like potential induced by the Lorentz
symmetry breaking effects

K. Bakke, H. Belich

1304.4832 (Massimo Giovannini)

Fluid phonons, protoinflationary dynamics and large-scale gravitational

Massimo Giovannini

1304.4833 (K. Bakke et al.)

Quantum Holonomies based on the Lorentz-violating tensor background    [PDF]

K. Bakke, H. Belich

1304.4840 (Jerome Gleyzes et al.)

Essential Building Blocks of Dark Energy    [PDF]

Jerome Gleyzes, David Langlois, Federico Piazza, Filippo Vernizzi

1304.4844 (J. W. van Holten)

Single scalar cosmology    [PDF]

J. W. van Holten

1304.4896 (Dmitry Ponomarev)

Higher Spin Fields and Symplectic Geometry    [PDF]

Dmitry Ponomarev

1304.4926 (Aitor Lewkowycz et al.)

Generalized gravitational entropy    [PDF]

Aitor Lewkowycz, Juan Maldacena