Friday, November 9, 2012

1211.1803 (K. Splittorff)

Chiral Dynamics With Wilson Fermions    [PDF]

K. Splittorff
Close to the continuum the lattice spacing affects the smallest eigenvalues of the Wilson Dirac operator in a very specific manner determined by the way in which the discretization breaks chiral symmetry. These effects can be computed analytically by means of Wilson chiral perturbation theory and Wilson random matrix theory. A number of insights on chiral Dynamics with Wilson fermions can be obtained from the computation of the microscopic spectrum of the Wilson Dirac operator. For example, the unusual volume scaling of the smallest eigenvalues observed in lattice simulations has a natural explanation. The dynamics of the eigenvalues of the Wilson Dirac operator also allow us to determine the additional low energy constants of Wilson chiral perturbation theory and to understand why the Sharpe-Singleton scenario is only realized in unquenched simulations.
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