Friday, July 19, 2013

1307.4787 (Lara B. Anderson et al.)

A Comprehensive Scan for Heterotic SU(5) GUT models    [PDF]

Lara B. Anderson, Andrei Constantin, James Gray, Andre Lukas, Eran Palti
Compactifications of heterotic theories on smooth Calabi-Yau manifolds remains one of the most promising approaches to string phenomenology. In two previous papers, and, large classes of such vacua were constructed, using sums of line bundles over complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds in products of projective spaces that admit smooth quotients by finite groups. A total of 10^12 different vector bundles were investigated which led to 202 SU(5) Grand Unified Theory (GUT) models. With the addition of Wilson lines, these in turn led, by a conservative counting, to 2122 heterotic standard models. In the present paper, we extend the scope of this programme and perform an exhaustive scan over the same class of models. A total of 10^40 vector bundles are analysed leading to 35,000 SU(5) GUT models. All of these compactifications have the right field content to induce low-energy models with the matter spectrum of the supersymmetric standard model, with no exotics of any kind. The detailed analysis of the resulting vast number of heterotic standard models is a substantial and ongoing task in computational algebraic geometry.
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