Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1306.0582 (Andreas Karch et al.)

Higher-spin realization of a dS static patch/cut-off CFT correspondence    [PDF]

Andreas Karch, Christoph F. Uhlemann
We derive a holographic relation for the dS static patch with the dual field theory defined on the observer horizon. The starting point is the duality of higher-spin theory on AdS_4 and the O(N) vector model. We build on a similar analytic continuation as used recently to obtain a realization of dS/CFT, and adapt it to the static patch. The resulting duality relates higher-spin theory on the dS_4 static patch to a cut-off CFT on the cylinder RxS^2. The construction permits a derivation of the finite thermodynamic entropy associated to the horizon of the static patch from the dual field theory. As a further brick we recover the spectrum of quasinormal frequencies from the correlation functions of the boundary theory. In the last part we incorporate the dS/dS correspondence as an independent proposal for holography on dS and show that a concrete realization can be obtained by similar reasoning.
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