Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1306.0482 (Stephen L. Adler)

Incorporating gravity into trace dynamics: the induced gravitational

Stephen L. Adler
We study the incorporation of gravity into the trace dynamics framework for classical matrix-valued fields, from which we have proposed that quantum field theory is the emergent thermodynamics, with state vector reduction arising from fluctuation corrections to this thermodynamics. We show that the metric must be incorporated as a classical, not a matrix-valued, field, with the source for gravity the exactly covariantly conserved trace stress-energy tensor of the matter fields. We then study corrections to the classical gravitational action induced by the dynamics of the matrix-valued matter fields, by examining the average over the trace dynamics canonical ensemble of the matter field action, in the presence of a general background metric. Using constraints from global Weyl scaling and three-space general coordinate transformations, we show that to zeroth order in derivatives of the metric, the induced gravitational action in the preferred rest frame of the trace dynamics canonical ensemble must have the form $$ \Delta S=\int d^4x (^{(4)}g)^{1/2}(g_{00})^{-2} A\big(g_{0i} g_{0j} g^{ij}/g_{00}, D^ig_{ij}D^j/g_{00}, g_{0i}D^i/g_{00}\big), $$ with $D^i$ is defined through the co-factor expansion of $^{(4)}g$ by $^{(4)}g/{^{(3)}g}=g_{00}+g_{0i}D^i$, and with $A(x,y,z)$ a general function of its three arguments. This action has "chameleon-like" properties: For the Robertson-Walker cosmological metric, it {\it exactly} reduces to a cosmological constant, but for the Schwarzschild metric it diverges as $(1-2M/r)^{-2}$ near the Schwarzschild radius, indicating that it will substantially affect the horizon structure.
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