Rhiannon Gwyn, Markus Rummel, Alexander Westphal
We discuss the effect of superimposing multiple sources of resonant non-Gaussianity, which arise for instance in models of axion inflation. The resulting sum of oscillating shape contributions can be used to "Fourier synthesize" different non-oscillating shapes in the bispectrum. As an example we reproduce an approximately equilateral shape from the superposition of ${\cal O}(10)$ oscillatory contributions with resonant shape. This implies a possible degeneracy between the equilateral-type non-Gaussianity typical of models with non-canonical kinetic terms, such as DBI inflation, and an equilateral-type shape arising from a superposition of resonant-type contributions in theories with canonical kinetic terms. The absence of oscillations in the 2-point function together with the structure of the resonant $N$-point functions, imply that detection of equilateral non-Gaussianity at a level greater than the PLANCK sensitivity of $f_{NL}\sim{\cal O}(5)$ will rule out a resonant origin. We comment on the questions arising from possible embeddings of this idea in a string theory setting.
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