Sunday, November 4, 2012

1211.0005 (Stefan Janiszewski et al.)

Non-relativistic holography from Horava gravity    [PDF]

Stefan Janiszewski, Andreas Karch
Many non-relativistic Quantum Field Theories with conserved particle number share a common set of symmetries: time dependent spatial diffeomorphisms acting on the background metric and U(1) invariance acting on the background fields which couple to particle number. Here we use these symmetries to deduce a gravity dual for any such theory in terms of a non-relativistic theory of gravity, a variant of Horava gravity. This duality allows the extension of holography to generic non-relativistic field theories. As Horava gravity is presumed to be a consistent quantum theory, this duality also allows holography to move beyond the limit of a large number of colors, in principle. In the case when the field theory is conformally invariant, we prove that our proposal reproduces the form of the two point function demanded by this symmetry.
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