Thursday, September 6, 2012

1209.0883 (Vikram Vyas)

Heavy Quark Potential from Gauge/Gravity Duality: A Large D Analysis    [PDF]

Vikram Vyas
Heavy quark potential is calculated in the framework of Gauge/Gravity duality using the large D approximation, where D is the number of dimensions transverse to the flux-tube connecting a quark and an anti-quark in a flat D+2 dimensional spacetime. We find that in the large D limit the leading correction to the ground state energy, as given by an effective Nambu-Goto string, arises not from the heavy modes but from the behavior of the massless modes in the vicinity of the quark and the anti-quark. This correction modifies the Arvis's formula for the ground state energy of a Nambu-Goto string by an overall factor which has a very mild dependance on the distance between the quark and the anti-quark. This analysis suggests that the leading corrections to an effective Nambu-Goto string description of a QCD flux-tube are in the form of boundary terms.
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