Monday, September 3, 2012

1208.6383 (DaeKil Park)

Entanglement Degradation in the presence of $(4+n)$-dimensional
Schwarzschild Black Hole

DaeKil Park
In this short paper we compute the various bipartite quantum correlations in the presence of the $(4+n)$-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole. In particular, we focus on the $n$-dependence of various bosonic bipartite entanglements. For the case between Alice and Rob, where the former is free falling observer and the latter is at the near-horizon region, the quantum correlation is degraded compared to the case in the absence of the black hole. The degradation rate increases with decreasing $n$. We also compute the physically inaccessible correlations. It is found that there is no creation of quantum correlation between Alice and AntiRob. For the case between Rob and AntiRob the quantum entanglement is created although they are separated in the causally disconnected regions. It is found that contrary to the physically accessible correlation the entanglement between Rob and AntiRob decreases with decreasing $n$.
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