Monday, September 3, 2012

1201.5343 (Samuel Lepe et al.)

Γ-sign in entropic cosmology    [PDF]

Samuel Lepe, Francisco Peña
We study a cosmology by considering entropic issues. We make a bare/effective description of the equation of state of the cosmic fluid through a bare (\omega)/effective (\omega_eff) conservation equation. In the bare case, where we have a non conserved equation of state for the cosmic fluid, we describe the change in the sign of the inhomogeneus term at different times of the cosmic evolution. We show that by a redefinition of the adiabatic \omega -parameter we can recover the usual scheme for the cosmic evolution. In the effective case we show also that if the evolution is driven by dust or cosmological constant, the universe evolves on the thermal equilibrium. Additionally, by incorporating a quantum correction only cosmological constant can drive an evolution on thermal equilibrium.
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