Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1207.7170 (S. K. Moayedi et al.)

Formulation of an Electrostatic Field with a Charge Density in the
Presence of a Minimal Length Based on the Kempf Algebra

S. K. Moayedi, M. R. Setare, H. Moayeri
In a series of papers, Kempf and co-workers (J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. {\bf 30}, 2093, (1997); Phys. Rev. D {\bf52}, 1108, (1995); Phys. Rev. D {\bf55}, 7909, (1997)) introduced a D-dimensional $(\beta,\beta')$-two-parameter deformed Heisenberg algebra which leads to a nonzero minimal observable length. In this work, the Lagrangian formulation of an electrostatic field in three spatial dimensions described by Kempf algebra is studied in the case where $\beta'=2\beta$ up to first order over deformation parameter $\beta$. It is shown that there is a similarity between electrostatics in the presence of a minimal length (modified electrostatics) and higher derivative Podolsky's electrostatics. The important property of this modified electrostatics is that the classical self-energy of a point charge becomes a finite value. Two different upper bounds on the isotropic minimal length of this modified electrostatics are estimated. The first upper bound will be found by treating the modified electrostatics as a classical electromagnetic system, while the second one will be estimated by considering the modified electrostatics as a quantum field theoretic model. It should be noted that the quantum upper bound on the isotropic minimal length in this paper is near to the electroweak length scale $(\ell_{electroweak}\sim 10^{-18}\, m)$.
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