Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1207.2182 (Sophia K. Domokos et al.)

Holographic Josephson Junctions and Berry holonomy from D-branes    [PDF]

Sophia K. Domokos, Carlos Hoyos, Jacob Sonnenschein
We construct a holographic model for Josephson junctions with a defect system of a Dp brane intersecting a D(p+2) brane. In addition to providing a geometrical picture for the holographic dual, this leads us very naturally to suggest the possibility of non-Abelian Josephson junctions characterized in terms of the topological properties of the branes. The difference between the locations of the endpoints of the Dp brane on either side of the defect translates into the phase difference of the condensate in the Josephson junction. We also add a magnetic flux on the D(p+2) brane and allow it evolve adiabatically along a closed curve in the space of the magnetic flux, while generating a non-trivial Berry holonomy.
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