Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1207.2161 (J. M. Henn et al.)

Systematics of the cusp anomalous dimension    [PDF]

J. M. Henn, T. Huber
We study the velocity-dependent cusp anomalous dimension in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. In a paper by Correa, Maldacena, Sever, and one of the present authors, a scaling limit was identified in which the ladder diagrams are dominant and are mapped onto a Schrodinger problem. We show how to solve the latter in perturbation theory and provide an algorithm to compute the solution at any loop order. The answer is written in terms of harmonic polylogarithms. Moreover, we give evidence for two curious properties of the result. Firstly, we observe that the result can be written using a subset of harmonic polylogarithms only, at least up to five loops. Secondly, we show that in a light-like limit, only single zeta values appear in the asymptotic expansion, at least up to six loops. We then extend the analysis of the scaling limit to systematically include subleading terms. This leads to a Schrodinger-type equation, but with an inhomogeneous term. We show how its solution can be computed in perturbation theory, in a way similar to the leading order case. Finally, we analyze the strong coupling limit of these subleading contributions and compare them to the string theory answer. We find agreement between the two calculations.
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