1204.1955 (Ismail Zahed)
Ismail Zahed
We provide a geometrical argument for the emergence of a Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) term for a Fermi surface threaded by a Berry curvature. In the presence of external fields, the gauged WZW term yields a chiral (triangle) anomaly for the fermionic current at the edge of the Fermi surface. Fermion number is conserved though since the Berry curvatures occur always in pairs with opposite (monopole) charge. The anomalous vector and axial currents for a a fermionic fluid at low temperature threaded by pairs of Berry curvatures are discussed. The leading temperature correction to the chiral vortical effect in a slowly rotating Fermi surface threaded by a Berry curvature maybe tied to the gravitational anomaly.
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