Tuesday, April 10, 2012

1204.1793 (Maxim Grigoriev)

Parent formulations, frame-like Lagrangians, and generalized auxiliary

Maxim Grigoriev
We elaborate on the recently proposed Lagrangian parent formulation. In particular, we identify a natural choice of the allowed field configurations ensuring the equivalence of the parent and the starting point Lagrangians. We also analyze the structure of the generalized auxiliary fields employed in the parent formulation and establish the relationship between the parent Lagrangian and the recently proposed Lagrange structure for the unfolded dynamics. As an illustration of the parent formalism a systematic derivation of the frame-like Lagrangian for totally symmetric fields starting from the Fronsdal one is given. We also present a concise and manifestly sp(2)-symmetric form of the off-shell constraints and gauge symmetries for AdS space symmetric fields at the nonlinear level.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1204.1793

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