Monday, April 2, 2012

1203.6817 (Dimitrios Giataganas et al.)

Non-singlet Baryons in Less Supersymmetric Backgrounds    [PDF]

Dimitrios Giataganas, Yolanda Lozano, Marco Picos, Konstadinos Siampos
We analyze the holographic description of non-singlet baryons in various backgrounds with reduced supersymmetries and/or confining. We show that they exist in all AdS_5xY_5 backgrounds with Y_5 an Einstein manifold bearing five form flux, for a number of quarks 5N/8< k< N, independently on the supersymmetries preserved. This result still holds for gamma_i deformations. In the confining Maldacena-Nunez background non-singlet baryons also exist, although in this case the interval for the number of quarks is reduced as compared to the conformal case. We generalize these configurations to include a non-vanishing magnetic flux such that a complementary microscopical description can be given in terms of lower dimensional branes expanding into fuzzy baryons. This description is a first step towards exploring the finite 't Hooft coupling region.
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