Tuesday, March 27, 2012

1203.5768 (Kentaro Hanaki et al.)

Symmetries of Holographic Super-Minimal Models    [PDF]

Kentaro Hanaki, Cheng Peng
We compute the asymptotic symmetry of the higher-spin supergravity theory in AdS_3 and obtain an infinite-dimensional non-linear superalgebra, which we call the super-W_infinity[lambda] algebra. According to the recently proposed supersymmetric duality between higher-spin supergravity in an AdS_3 background and the 't Hooft limit of the N=2 CP^n Kazama-Suzuki model on the boundary, this symmetry algebra should agree with the 't Hooft limit of the chiral algebra of the CFT, SW_n. We provide two nontrivial checks of the duality. By comparing the algebras, we explicitly match the lowest-spin commutation relations in the super-W_infinity[lambda] with the corresponding commutation relations in the 't Hooft limit on the CFT side. We also consider the degenerate representations of the two algebras and find that the spectra of the chiral primary fields are identical.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1203.5768

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