Tuesday, March 27, 2012

1203.5585 (J. Greitz et al.)

Half-maximal supergravity in three dimensions: supergeometry,
differential forms and algebraic structure

J. Greitz, P. S. Howe
The half-maximal supergravity theories in three dimensions, which have local $SO(8)\xz SO(n)$ and rigid SO(8,n) symmetries, are discussed in a superspace setting starting from the superconformal theory. The on-shell theory is obtained by imposing further constraints; it is essentially a non-linear sigma model that induces a Poincar\'e supergeometry. The deformations of the geometry due to gauging are briefly discussed. The possible $p$-form field strengths are studied using supersymmetry and SO(8,n) symmetry. The set of such forms obeying consistent Bianchi identities constitutes a Lie super co-algebra while the demand that these identities admit solutions places a further constraint on the possible representations of SO(8,n) that the forms transform under which can be easily understood using superspace cohomology. The dual Lie superalgebra can then be identified as the positive sector of a Borcherds superalgebra that extends the Lie algebra of the duality group. In addition to the known $p=2,3,4$ forms, which we construct explicitly, there are five-forms that can be non-zero in supergravity, while all forms with $p>5$ vanish. It is shown that some six-forms can have non-trivial contributions at order $\a'$.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1203.5585

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