Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1203.3563 (Sigbjørn Hervik et al.)

Minimal tensors and purely electric or magnetic spacetimes of arbitrary

Sigbjørn Hervik, Marcello Ortaggio, Lode Wylleman
We consider time reversal transformations to obtain twofold orthogonal splittings of any tensor on a Lorentzian space of arbitrary dimension n. Applied to the Weyl tensor of a spacetime, this leads to a definition of its electric and magnetic parts relative to an observer (i.e., a unit timelike vector field u), in any n. We study the cases where one of these parts vanishes in particular, i.e., purely electric (PE) or magnetic (PM) spacetimes. We generalize several results from four to higher dimensions and discuss new features of higher dimensions. We prove that the only permitted Weyl types are G, I_i and D, and discuss the possible relation of u with the WANDs; we provide invariant conditions that characterize PE/PM spacetimes, such as Bel-Debever criteria, or constraints on scalar invariants, and connect the PE/PM parts to the kinematic quantities of u; we present conditions under which direct product spacetimes (and certain warps) are PE/PM, which enables us to construct explicit examples. In particular, it is also shown that all static spacetimes are necessarily PE, while stationary spacetimes (e.g., spinning black holes) are in general neither PE nor PM. Ample classes of PE spacetimes exist, but PM solutions are elusive, and we prove that PM Einstein spacetimes of type D do not exist, for any n. Finally, we derive corresponding results for the electric/magnetic parts of the Riemann tensor. This also leads to first examples of PM spacetimes in higher dimensions. We also note in passing that PE/PM Weyl tensors provide examples of minimal tensors, and we make the connection hereof with the recently proved alignment theorem. This in turn sheds new light on classification of the Weyl tensors based on null alignment, providing a further invariant characterization that distinguishes the types G/I/D from the types II/III/N.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1203.3563

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