Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1110.1613 (Stefania De Curtis et al.)

The 4D Composite Higgs    [PDF]

Stefania De Curtis, Michele Redi, Andrea Tesi
We propose a four dimensional description of Composite Higgs Models which represents a complete framework for the physics of the Higgs as a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson. Our setup captures all the relevant features of 5D models and more in general of composite Higgs models with partial compositeness. We focus on the minimal scenario where we include a single multiplet of resonances of the composite sector, as these will be the only degrees of freedom which might be accessible at the LHC. This turns out to be sufficient to compute the effective potential and derive phenomenological consequences of the theory. Moreover our simplified approach is well adapted to simulate these models at the LHC. We also consider the impact of non-minimal terms in the effective lagrangian which do not descend from a 5D theory and could be of phenomenological relevance, for example contributing to the S-parameter.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.1613

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