Friday, February 24, 2012

1202.5273 (Ram Brustein et al.)

Wave function of the quantum black hole    [PDF]

Ram Brustein, Merav Hadad
We show that the Wald Noether charge entropy is canonically conjugate to the
opening angle at the horizon. Using this canonical relation we extend the
Wheeler-DeWitt equation to a Schr\"{o}dinger equation in the opening angle,
following Carlip and Teitelbaum. We solve the equation in the semiclassical
approximation by using the correspondence principle and find that the solutions
are minimal uncertainty wavefunctions with a continuous spectrum for the
entropy and therefore also of the area of the black hole horizon. The fact that
the opening angle fluctuates away from its classical value of 2\pi\ indicates
that the quantum black hole is a superposition of horizonless states. The
classical geometry with a horizon serves only to evaluate quantum expectation
values in the strict classical limit.
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