Friday, February 24, 2012

1201.5103 (Sergei Khlebnikov)

Critical current of a superconducting wire via gauge/gravity duality    [PDF]

Sergei Khlebnikov
We describe application of the gauge/gravity to study of depairing current in
thin superconducting wires. The large number N of colors of the gauge theory is
identified with the number of filled transverse channels in the wire. On the
gravity side, the physics is described by a system of D3 and D5 branes
intersecting over a line. We consider both the transition due to an initial
winding of the order parameter (as appropriate for a superconducting ring) and
the transition at fixed current and find them substantially different: while in
the former case the supercurrent is metastable and becomes classically unstable
at some maximal winding, in the latter there is a continuous phase transition
in the universality class of the dissipative XY model. We discuss relation of
our results to recent experiments on statistics of the switching current in
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