Rosy Teh, Ban-Loong Ng, Khai-Ming Wong
We would like to show the existence of finite energy SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs
particles of one-half topological charge. The 't Hooft Abelian magnetic fields
of these solutions at spatial infinity correspond to the magnetic field of a
positive one-half magnetic monopole located at the origin, $r=0$, and a
semi-infinite Dirac string singularity located on one half of the z-axis which
carries a magnetic flux of $\frac{2\pi}{g}$ going into the center of the sphere
at infinity. Hence the net magnetic charge of the configuration is zero. The
non-Abelian solutions possess gauge potentials that are singular at only one
point, that is, on either the positive or the negative z-axis at large
distances, elsewhere they are regular. There are two distinct different
configurations of these particles with different total energies and energy
distributions. The total energies of these one-half magnetic monopole solutions
are calculated for various strength of the Higgs field self-coupling constant
$\lambda$ and they are found to increase logarithmically with $\lambda$. These
solutions do not satisfy the first order Bogomol'nyi equations and are non-BPS
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