Friday, June 28, 2013

1306.6532 (Isao Kishimoto et al.)

Numerical Solutions of Open String Field Theory in Marginally Deformed

Isao Kishimoto, Tomohiko Takahashi
We investigate numerical solutions of bosonic open string field theory in some marginally deformed backgrounds, which are obtained by expanding the action around an identity-based marginal solution with one parameter. We construct numerical solutions in the Siegel gauge and the Landau gauge corresponding to the tachyon vacuum. The vacuum energy of them approximately cancels the D-brane tension for larger interval of the parameter with the truncation level increasing. The result is consistent with the previous expectation that the identity-based marginal solution has vanishing energy regardless of the values of the parameter. We also study the marginal branch (M-branch) and the vacuum branch (V-branch) and evaluate not only the vacuum energy but also the gauge invariant overlaps with the graviton and the closed tachyon. We observe that there is a finite bound for the value of the massless field of numerical solutions even in the marginally deformed background.
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