Thursday, June 20, 2013

1306.4339 (Mansi Dhuria et al.)

Towards MQGP    [PDF]

Mansi Dhuria, Aalok Misra
For the Ouyang embedding we calculate the chemical potential mu_C due to a U(1) gauge field on the w.v. of N_f D7-branes wrapped around a 4-cycle in a resolved warped deformed conifold with (M)N (fractional)D3-branes of [1], and show the possible thermodynamical stability up to linear order in the embedding parameter. In the spirit of [2] we obtain the local type IIA mirror using SYZ mirror symmetry near (theta_{1,2},psi)=(,{0,2pi,,4pi}) and then oxidize the same to M theory. We take two limits of this uplift:(i)g_s,g_sN_f,g_sM^2/N,g_s^2M N_f<<1,g_sM,g_sN>>1 similar to [1] effected by M eps^{-3d/2}, N eps^{-19d},g_s epsn^d,d>0 and eps<=O(0.01);(ii)the `MQGP limit' g_sM^2/N<<1, g_sN>>1 for finite g_s,M, effected by: g_s eps, M eps^{-3d/2},N eps^{-39d},d>0, eps<~1). The second limit is more suited for the study of QGP (See [3]) and can only be addressed in M theory. The uplift gives a black M3-brane solution whose near-horizon geometry near theta_{1,2}=0,pi-branches, preserves 1/4 SUSY. We obtain eta/s=1/4pi for the uplift and the diffusion constant for types IIB/IIA backgrounds comes out to be ~1/T, for both limits. The D=11 SUGRA action up to O(R^4,|G_4|^2) is expected to receive dominant contributions near =0,pi due to poles. Introducing a small-angle cut-off c and using the =c,(pi-c)-local uplift the specific heat from the IR-finite part of the action (c-independent) turns out to be positive indicative of the thermodynamical stability of the uplift. An ALD-gravity-type interpretation can be given to the counter-terms for(i). Its verified that the black M3-brane entropy S r_h^3 from M-theoretic thermodynamical methods and the horizon areas of types IIB/IIA/M3-brane solutions.
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