Wednesday, June 19, 2013

1306.3987 (Mirjam Cvetič et al.)

Chiral Four-Dimensional F-Theory Compactifications With SU(5) and
Multiple U(1)-Factors

Mirjam Cvetič, Antonella Grassi, Denis Klevers, Hernan Piragua
We develop geometric techniques to determine the spectrum and the chiral indices of matter multiplets for four-dimensional F-theory compactifications on elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfolds with rank two Mordell-Weil group. The general elliptic fiber is the Calabi-Yau onefold in dP_2. We classify its resolved elliptic fibrations over a general base B. The study of singularities of these fibrations leads to explicit matter representations, that we determine both for U(1)xU(1) and SU(5)xU(1)xU(1) constructions. We determine for the first time certain matter curves and surfaces using techniques involving prime ideals. The vertical cohomology ring of these fourfolds is calculated for both cases and general formulas for the Euler numbers are derived. Explicit calculations are presented for a specific base B=P^3. We determine the general G_4-flux that belongs to H^{(2,2)}_V of the resolved Calabi-Yau fourfolds. As a by-product, we derive for the first time all conditions on G_4-flux in general F-theory compactifications with a non-holomorphic zero section. These conditions have to be formulated after a circle reduction in terms of Chern-Simons terms on the 3D Coulomb branch and invoke M-theory/F-theory duality. New Chern-Simons terms are generated by Kaluza-Klein states of the circle compactification. We explicitly perform the relevant field theory computations, that yield non-vanishing results precisely for fourfolds with a non-holomorphic zero section. Taking into account the new Chern-Simons terms, all 4D matter chiralities are determined via 3D M-theory/F-theory duality. We independently check these chiralities using the subset of matter surfaces we determined. The presented techniques are general and do not rely on toric data.
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