Tuesday, June 18, 2013

1306.3796 (Sameer Murthy et al.)

Quantum black hole entropy and the holomorphic prepotential of N=2

Sameer Murthy, Valentin Reys
Supersymmetric terms in the effective action of N=2 supergravity in four dimensions are generically classified into chiral-superspace integrals and full-superspace integrals. For a theory of N=2 vector multiplets coupled to supergravity, a special class of couplings is given by chiral-superspace integrals that are governed by a holomorphic prepotential function. The quantum entropy of BPS black holes in such theories depends on the prepotential according to a known integral formula. We show, using techniques of localization, that a large class of full-superspace integrals in the effective action of N=2 supergravity do not contribute to the quantum entropy of BPS black holes at any level in the derivative expansion. Our work extends similar results for semi-classical supersymmetric black hole entropy, and goes towards providing an explanation of why the prepotential terms capture the exact microscopic quantum black hole entropy.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1306.3796

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