Thursday, June 13, 2013

1301.6017 (Licia Verde et al.)

Multi-variate joint PDF for non-Gaussianities: exact formulation and
generic approximations

Licia Verde, Raul Jimenez, Luis Alvarez-Gaume, Alan F. Heavens, Sabino Matarrese
We provide an exact expression for the multi-variate joint probability distribution function of non-Gaussian fields primordially arising from local transformations of a Gaussian field. This kind of non-Gaussianity is generated in many models of inflation. We apply our expression to the non- Gaussianity estimation from Cosmic Microwave Background maps and the halo mass function where we obtain analytical expressions. We also provide analytic approximations and their range of validity. For the Cosmic Microwave Background we give a fast way to compute the PDF which is valid up to 7{\sigma} for fNL values (both true and sampled) not ruled out by current observations, which consists of expressing the PDF as a combination of bispectrum and trispectrum of the temperature maps. The resulting expression is valid for any kind of non-Gaussianity and is not limited to the local type. The above results may serve as the basis for a fully Bayesian analysis of the non-Gaussianity parameter.
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